Blizzard has 100% ruined PVP and Ranking for Alliance

No need to be sorry. You can think what you want, of course.


Are you leading to something?

You it seems lol

No. Not you and me. Sorry.

Lovers, forever?

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Care for each other?

I’m a little surprised you’d take advantage of that. “Yes.”

If you walk in the sun, I will be your shadow.

I suppose that is as ridiculous as you see me have being, thus far.

I dunno what’s going on anymore. I just started to quote lyrics from Air’s Venus. Good song if you’re in to that sort of sound.

Yeah. There’s literally no reason to PVP on Alliance any longer. So I guess the Horde can sit in their queues indefinitely? No fix incoming.

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I did 4 WSG, all 4 were complete 10 man premades maybe a pug or two. I stopped queing WSG!

I have not won an AV in what will be 5 weeks, and its become a daunting task, I am starting to not que as much down 60% as of Tuesdays new ranks.

I see this getting worse, as the Good pvpers are already ranked and got there gear stop queing also.

This might kill Classic!

Thank you Kag, I appreciate the feedback and you are right it certainly doesn’t help!

I just hope they dont go overboard again with changes.

92% w/l in WSG over the past week

Sounds like a you issue AV ranker boi

I dont forsee any changes here.

The “changes” they made to AV were fixing exploits that allowed people to avoid the “no premades” mechanics.

WSG is intended to be premade-able.

This is a 100% working-as-intended situation.

This post has to be a troll post.

To logical people sure, but I see first hand how well people respond to logic around here lol

Going to correct this -

It’s not not our fault we picked the faction that likes to queue more.

Since given the data we have there’s about a 10-15k difference between the pops. They’re just about equal across all servers. Math is in another thread.

And this is the Horde’s fault how?

What are we just going to purposefully lose because half of your team isn’t playing or doesn’t care? GTFOH man—that’s on YOUR faction.

You acknowledge the Alliance’s lack of effort, but somehow suggest we should feel bad for beating up on you guys? We are trying to win…LMAO.