Blizzard getting trolled into making itself less relevant

What is this “submit” you are talking about? The ones I know of were banned after someone saw a video they had posted showing their violation. This has happened.

False flagging could be an issue before, I don’t see why that wouldn’t be an issue now.

This doesn’t really have anything to do with what I was talking about, though it is a fair point.

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The ones I am talking about have had some action taken, they file an appeal, they are met with some generic response about how actions are taken carefully, they file another appeal, get an email from the team, reply and appeal again, include the link to their stream, ask the reviewer to look at the date and time in question, and then have their account restored.

Or things get verified like twitch was actually used for doing their call-outs hence it was usable as their voice location. But things like that change on a whim, and some new policy about where it can or can’t go, that was not communicated to the people receiving the actions, is then explained after the fact, and always open to another change in policy where the cycle repeats, rather then blizzard setting an official channel up for these communications to small time people.

Like imagine a company saying, blue shirts are not allowed anymore, anyone in a blue shirt is suspended. You get off suspension and they say, you are wearing a red shirt. Red shirts are not allowed today, you are suspended and its your 2nd offense. You show up the third day they say show me your socks. Your in white socks today, thats your 3rd offense, you are fired.

I’m not saying this covers every situation you can think of, or other public figures who have lashed out on larger platforms against blizzard or wow. I’m saying this is what a group of streamers I have played with are getting treated like, and they really just wish they had hard set guidance they could follow without having their side project get chopped out from underneath them

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It is not clear what you are asking for. Your example is entirely trivial. It doesn’t sound credible at all.

If you’re asking for an exact list of what is bannable, you’re not going to get it, because then your many streamers you claim have been falsely banned on unverified reports could violate decency but claim that they couldn’t be punished because “it’s not on the list, therefore I’m immune.”


Get lucky actually managing to send a ticket and having it acknowledged by the “system”. I tried like twenty times to send a ticket to appeal a decision. No way, the ticket never got sent. At the end I had to accept that decision, even if it was unjust.

You might want to shorten your post a bit. It was TLDR. But what I got from it was that you are upset that people are reporting people for no other reason than to report them.

If this is the case, then Blizzard should be banning the people who are reporting people for no other reason than wanting to troll Blizzard.


While I appreciate your opinion, it is my perception that the Social Contract “Agree” or “Exit” feature undercuts your position. For my self, never got reported, never was mean to anyone, let it go when others treated me poorly, helped people with free crafting and free mats. What did I get for that? A “Social Contract” that suspends me from play, unless I “Agree” (which I did before several times, if it is no different that the EULA, TOS and/or In-Game Code of Conduct. It appears that Blizzard and all of you on the Community Council working for only your part of the Community have taken action to suspend people with no marks on their record. I acknowledge what was in the Social Contract and appreciate the advice, but would like why they couldn’t just bring down the Hammer of Justice on the problem people.

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I don’t even know what this is - there is so much rambling and fluff I don’t know how the subject relates to this long post

Community Council is just made up of players.
The only power they have is to post in a special section of the forum and gold text. That’s it.


I know what this is; it’s a level 12 classic alt gaslighting someone.

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read the thread I am not the only one having problems identify OP’s point.

No, there’s no shortage of people who use the forums to denigrate others “within the rules.” Bad faith gonna bad faith.

the community council is just a bunch of people who give feedback. they’re not moderators or GMs. they have no power and cannot action anyone’s account.

The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC ) was an American committee formed in 1985 with the stated goal of increasing parental control over the access of children to-

Hey, I’ve seen how this plays out before in the 80s when that guy from the Dead Kennedy’s had to debate this ideology of control on Oprah Winfrey of all things!

How do you get the yellow colored text to work?

You have to be on the Community Council in order to get that color text.

Certainly, that is understood (just players on this advisory council that was set up by and the people selected by Blizzard). They do, however, seem quite dedicated to the Blizzard line on the Social Contract.

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Another attempt to remove the Social Contract.

The Community Council had nothing to do with the Social Contract.

The Social Contract has two parts. The first one gives suggestions on how to play nice. A lot of it is on the loading screens that most players no longer see because their computers don’t run slow. The second part is a reminder of the EULA and Code of Conduct.

If you know it’s no different than the EULA and the In-Game Code of Conduct, why do you have a problem with the Social Contract?

Its pretty sad that I can not make a post on something I have observed in a game I have played for almost 20 years, without people assuming I am either covering for someone, have been actioned on myself, or am somehow trying to get around the social contract.

Try to read more then a twitter length paper sometime, consider what I said as what I said, and try to form an opinion without conflating everything outside the scope of what I have said.

Social contract is fine, and also has nothing to do with this post…

Thank you for your reply. What I know is that the terms in the Social Contract use different words than either the In-Game Code of Conduct or the EULA. What I cannot know until Blizzard will explain, is whether they intend those words to have different meanings. Have sent them tickets requesting they clarify the details of the differences or tell me that there is no change. They have refused to do either, while claiming to have responded to my inquiry.