Blizzard getting rid of PvP? Consent to open world Pvp?

Hi, I just came back to wow after taking a 6 year break. I was shocked at the terrible changes in World PvP. I really don’t understand so hopefully someone can explain this to me. Wow has horde and alliance who hate each other but now you need consent to fight someone in open world? You need to toogle yourself to War mode and even if you do, doesn’t mean other people will. What happened to going to strangle thorn vale and pvping. It’s so depressing when wanting to pvp you can only do it in battle grounds 15 minute que times are too long. They got rid of PvP servers and my main server is dead. Can anyone explain if war within will be better. Thank you


You’d be really lucky to find someone wandering around the old world in War Mode.

With Chromie Time (where players choose an expansion to level in, they don’t need to level in the vanilla zones) and sharding (which spreads the population out to balance server load) further hindering your hunt.

You really only find people in latest expansion zones.

Yes, PvP servers are gone, you can turn War Mode on while in your factions’ main city and Valdrakken on any realm and turn it off in any rested area.

So if you’re looking for more population, pick a full/high population realm, preferentially one which used to be a PvP realm, because there are often players who are invested in their realm. War Mode will also shard people out from other high population realms in your current battlegroup.

I have no idea how TWW will change it, if at all. Probably not. If anything, they’ll add TWW main hub to the locations where you are allowed to toggle War Mode on.

Technically, there has been a somewhat strained truce going on for the last few expansions.

This could change at the drop of a gauntlet though.

I’m sorry man, some of us are trying to push for more WPVP, improve warmode. Im not sure if there’s a perfect solution yet, unfortunately it feels like the blizzard and the majority of players want to keep WPVP in a small corner while they get their endless selection of NPC drops, xmog, toys, pets, profession stuff, renown and rep perks and whatever else acquired through PVE either open world or instanced.

In the meantime enjoy the limited selection vendors offer to PVP players.

That’s so sad. People are migrating towards PvP games like league, valorant, battle royal games yet blizzard is moving away from it.

Thank you for posting.

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World pvp is out there but it’s limited. You have to pvp in the current zones. There is a dedicated group of people who do this, but not too many since most people prefer warmode off.

All the old school organic style pvp is long gone.

What do you mean consent?

While War Mode isn’t perfect by any means the goal was to increase the WPvP or allow for anyone on any server to basically be on a PvP server.

They have added WPvP specific rewards. A tier set for WPvP when not even instanced WPvP has that. More achievements and rewards from that as well. In War Within they are making it so you can obtain sockets via WPvP as well. So overall WPvP has gotten more attention that it ever has imo. Not saying it’s perfect but that thought is there.

One could also say the goal for War Mode was to allow those on PvP servers a way out of it too, because let’s be honest, there were more people on PvP servers crying for a way out than there were players on PvE servers wishing they could be on a PvP server.

From what I remember, the “goal” that they stated in the BfA interviews were that they wanted to incentivize WPvP more and implement more WPvP events without making those on PvE servers feel left out (which doesn’t really make sense to me considering they’ve had Halaa and Outland Towers, Wintergrasp, Tol’Barad, etc. in the past).

I personally think War Mode is a good idea on paper, but Blizzard implemented it poorly. I don’t think they understood exactly what they were doing when they decided to implement War Mode and I don’t think they’ve done a great job at maintaining it.

First and foremost, they need to fix the sharding. That’s one of the biggest reasons why War Mode will often feel “dead”, group more servers together in War Mode so that we can fight more players. There’s no reason to have dead shard on X realm while there’s another dead shard on Y realm, group those dead shards up to fill up the empty space.


Yep some of the biggest servers were also PvP servers. So ya a lot of people that wanted nothing to do with PvP migrated there to find raiding guilds which were also pretty prominent on the big PvP servers.

Ya it definately wasn’t all the way thought out. They are seemingly slowly improving it though.

I agree.

STV is a ghost town because people buy character boosts or level to cap through dungeons.

Dragon isles has plenty of action. I think that, having just returned to the game, you probably need to be patient and realize that there’s a learning curve for you to adjust to how things have changed.

Go to the free for all world pvp quests.
Go to the revival catalyst in tyrhold.
Go to Durotar / Goldshire.
Go to Wingrest Embassy in Waking Shore.
Invest in some Blackened Worg Steak and fly around the Dragon Isles dismounting players with Whirling Surge.

It is, and I mean this in the least offensive way possible, a skill issue.


Either SoD or a Cata PvP server. Go where the PEOPLE are. Retail shot their shot.

War mode really is boring, coming from a pvp server it’s not the same at all. Currently playing pvp servers on SoD and Cata. I don’t even bother with war mode because it’s very lame

I find it odd that people will tolerate server imbalances without any viable way to even the odds more than WM. Though then again, WM was not supposed to be a sharding mess either.

On Grobb, I can’t just get reinforcements from Faerlina or Whitemane when Grobb Alli are farming us in their usual weekly fashion in Tol Barad. But I guess the better argument is that I should be thankful I’m PvPing where the people are and the limited non-ghosted PvP I do get is better than nothing at all.

All I’m saying is pvp servers are still better than war mode

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I can only agree conditionally. Any true PvPer goes where the people are, and Retail ain’t it. Sorry not sorry I said it.

People got complacent with PvP servers. You saw the same people doing the same things. When realms became xserver for the first time in Leg(?), that shook things up. Now all of a sudden, there’s new people to go up against, not the same Joe/Jane Schmoe you get a couple of frags on each day.

It wouldn’t surprise me that’s what brought War Mode on. PvP server folk couldn’t handle getting their butts handed to him by players better than them. “Waaah, waaah, get me out of PvP, waaah! I don’t want to be in a PvP server anymore!”

Genie: Your wish is my command. snap-click

Yeah because most pvp players went to classic where pvp servers exist. You can’t really compare the two: retail is mostly about collecting pets and mounts

So then history repeats itself. Isn’t it beautiful? It’ll be a disaster when Classic Leg rolls out, won’t it? Oh crap, my Benediction butt is getting farmed by Faerlina! They’re actually better than me! This isn’t fair! I’m gonna quit!

Blizzard announcement: Classic BFA will have War Mode!

Exactly. I couldn’t be prouder being a Classic Andy. I want to play WAR-Craft, not “Azeroth Stable and Menagerie Ranch Simulator”.

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Pretty much. The original gamers would be disappointed

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Balanced PvP servers* sure, but most PvP servers were heavily unbalanced. War Mode in it’s current iteration is hit or miss, because you can either be on dead, outnumbered, or balanced shards. If they just fixed the sharding and pooled more players together to keep things more balanced, War Mode would be better than balanced PvP servers.

Most PvP players went to classic not because of PvP servers, but because classic typically had better PvP balancing than retail. The game was more simple too compared to retail.

Classic PvP servers still suffer from the same problem that happens to all PvP servers: they become heavily unbalanced. They start balanced, but eventually become unbalanced because Blizzard doesn’t control server population.


I can only hope that Grobbulus will hold the line until at least the end of Warlords. I don’t want the mirror opposite thing to happen in Mists either, because Grobb Alli will just stop altogether like Grobb Horde did, except Grobb Horde will still show up to get farmed on a weekly basis. Farming doesn’t happen in a vacuum, so that proves that Grobb Horde has what it takes.

We’re about to enter the best two expansions of PvP that ever were. And I think I can do Classic Legion. Classic Legion should have xrealm tech put into place so all the Classic PvP servers will be thrown into the mix, to include Grobb. I only shudder about Classic BFA, because reasons, but because there are fewer servers, War Mode might actually work better this time around?

I certainly didn’t spend eight weeks of FAIL in Tol Barad for my own good health. I proved I can walk the walk when it comes to taking the L’s we all have to learn how to take in WPvP. I get it that the ones who don’t know how to lose don’t last, that I won’t miss them nor Waite for them, but anyone who purposefully chooses and remains in a PvP server better get with the program. I’d really hate to have to move to my SoD Tauren Hunter in Lone Wolf. Grobb Alli really needs to get it together because Retail ain’t it. Sorry not sorry I said it. ~~ Hellooooo ~~ Kitty.

War mode is just a glorified pve server. Kinda lame