Blizzard general chat needs to be removed

Sooooo… you are complaining about people spamming and calling names and bullying… and you are calling people “moron” on the forums…

Can anyone say ironic? Or is that hypocritical? either/or/both


Want to show me the rule book where it says you can’t use general chat for LFG?


Im a firm believer that Barrens chat birthed Trolling and the gross mentality kids and their parents these days have.

WoW chats are a cancer and a blight on all societies. Anyone that participates in any General chat outside of actual game related stuff, is someone that probably hasn’t left their place of residence(basement) in quite a while.

Are you the same guy who started the other thread?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You know what’s ridiculous? That anyone would kick off a campaign completely doomed to fail and make them look like a hopeless twit when all they need to do is “/leave General” in-game.



I use general all the time and so do millions of others. For example when I am questing and ask if anyone has seen so and so or if anyone is working on a particular quest.

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LOLOLOLOLOLOL… so you are pissing and moaning about people complaining about people pissing and moaning…

OH that irony is ripe!


Reporting this thread for obvious trolling attempt. Author just lashes out at people who respond. 0/10 didn’t even bite.


Oh, I read your post. And here’s my prescribed solution for you:

/leave General

Or you could just uninstall the game. That also works. :sunglasses:


This again? Pretty sure that you peddled this garbage under another character name before. Either learn to deal with people who aren’t attentive to your every wish and desire, or wallow in your own misery, but leave the rest of us out of it.


im not sure you know what a troll is. lmao thats funny you must be new

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Classic is not for you.
Classic is as much freedom as possible with Blizzard interference only when absolutely required. You can’t handle freedom for anyone unless they act free like you want them to. General chat has been the way it is in Classic since classic. Retail with the Overbearing GM interference is that was——>


I was going to challenge you to a battle of wits but I see from your responses you are unarmed.


There’s no way this guy isn’t a troll. NO way he isn’t


Is that a threat, fool? Are you seriously threatening me on the forums? I can hardly believe it, this must be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen here. Yep, this one needs a flagging.

Dude, you should really find a different game. I’d recommend a single player game where you don’t have to worry about all those other terrible people who are doing things you don’t like.:v:

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