Blizzard Frame Hide/Show

I thought the way to hide the XP Bar was to do XPBar:Hide(); or to hide the Rep Bar was RepBar:Hide(); or to hide both was StatusTrackingBar:Hide(); none of those work, is there something I am missing or some resource I can be pointed to? Maybe something that shows what all of the Blizzard frames are called? I tried printing the children of UIParent and that printed 2 items and then broke. I am trying to make my own XP and Rep bars because the Blizzard ones text covers the bar and I cannot control if the text is shown or not so I am trying to make some bars that will show text on mouse hover like it used to be. Any help would be great. Thanks in advanced.


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That worked perfectly! There is a lot more for me to learn, but that was very helpful thank you!

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Glad I could help :slight_smile: