Blizzard, for God's sake, FIX this RNG+RNG IN STORM CHASER ACHIEVEMENT

Not all players have 24 per day, to keep an eye on any elemental storm that you need for the achievement , most players Ohn’ahran Plains and Thaldraszus and I can say that even people that are trying to do 12 hours a day every day since 2 week ago when the achievement was available are having problems to find which elemental storm they need.

Most of the time (80%) is spent seeing Waking shores and Azure Spam



there is two up at once now - that is all that is needed. Putting a rotation instead of random may work out worse likely for the players who only need one.

Calm down susan, storms are once again doubled and not 2 storms can be up @ a time in one zone.

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Not true, Waking Shores had two snowstorms in it yesterday at the same time…


Why not 4? Preferably 1 in each zone.

Would also be nice if they extended the duration. Double the number of storms, but also double the duration.

I feel your pain… I ran into many storms on my way to 40 renown in plunderstorm.

Well, now it’s back down to 1 storm :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Either both “spawns” can be at the same location and element, or its broken and its only 1 again.

I have no idea what is it now - I finished with the fire storm on the plains. It took me about a week to do the entire thing

i like how its RNG if we even get 2 storms at this point.


It’s frustrating that all I need is Plains Thunderstorms and they only spawn past midnight into the early hours of the morning when I’m asleep. :upside_down_face:

I think a better suggestion is in order. Have all storm locations active for 2 hours then the one hour lull before new storms pop up with different elements. Make it a resurgent event for like a week or something “The elements have gone out on control! Help us quell the threat!”


Anyone see the current storm? Wowhead says its up but I don’t see any

Its broken

Wowhead just assumes its up since it spawns on a fixed schedule.

Thanks for the update