Blizzard fixing hammer of light resetting swing timer ?!

How did they even find out that was a thing when they can’t even notice that judgement and HoW and crusader strike can’t hit pets in pvp. Like bruh. Also the bugs with freedom not removing snares is annoying and those aren’t fixed. WHY DO THEY FIX THE MOST USELESS STUFF ???

They focus on things other classes conplain about Paladin for. If someone sees something off about us tha isnt a paladin they complain to blizzard and they fix it.

So since our holy power generating abilties don’t work on pets like psyfiend and totems it’s fine because it doesn’t affect negatively other classes ?

So in this specific instance people were complaining that Ret weren’t hitting them fast enough after HoL?

They were complaining they weren’t being damaged enough?

Yea I still fail to see how is it acceptable for paladins judgement to not work on totems psyfiend like what?