Dude, are you ok?


if people want to come to the bug report forum to rant about being sad about drop rates, i’m going to play ball :slight_smile:


Fact of the matter Aristotle.

What facts bruh? All I see is “QnQ I’ve barely been farming for a mount drop, it should automatically be sent to me because I give up after going 0 for 100 on a 1% drop!” Unfortunately how often you farm does not better your chances.


Conglaturation! You can. Not read! You have skipped initial post! You have crapped out a sad post! Back to begin!

And when they do ‘fix’ things, they take the easy way out instead of fixing appropriately.
Ex: lv 2 garrison building plans from ashran/warspear (lv 20 quest rewards) were not useable until level 40, so they just changed the tooltip to read available at lv 40 instead of making them useable at lv 20.

Level 2 Garrison Plans not useable until level 40 - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (

That’s a big assumption. It is entirely possible they didn’t want them available until level 40. Maybe the “bug” they didn’t fix is allowing you to get the plans at level 20.

So then they should redo the levels you can acquire the next tiered garrison at. - Make getting lv 2 garrison available at 40 too. Which also would seem to be out of whack since at lv 48 you can leave draenor to go to shadowlands so would probably never build the lv 3 garrison.

Either way, garrisons the way they are now are not right.
And I’ll just add that before level squish… draenor started at 90. could build lv 2 garrison and get the level 2 garrison plans at 92 and then build the level 3 garrison with access to level 3 plans at lv 100.

So I just got the ring from turning in Nefarion’s head from BWL on my Death Knight. I need to be 63 to use it.

Blizzard: FIX YOUR GAME!

So you have to wait until next expansion to use it? (Current level cap is 60)

Or Blizzard can fix their game such as making the Soul Man achievement obtainable, where the boss doesn’t get stuck at 1 HP. Lower the level of the ring as it’s from a lvl 30 raid and should be useable by level 30 characters.

I agree.
I personally have seen more bugs with this expansion than any of the previous ones.

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As I said, they want us to pay for this crap? Why should we? They’re firing people left and right, most likely people who know what they’re doing. And if they’re not firing the wrong people, they’re forcing the right ones to quit for whatever SJW/Portland reason. All we want is a game that works, one that they’ll balance PVP because the only good alliance races are Human & Night Elves, a game that we can enjoy old content as well as new without it being to glitchy or over attuned 6 years later.

…the esport dudes which were laid off, don’t have anything to do with development or QA.

uh… i just got one of these, and i’m not seeing this.

a quick visit to wowhead would have answered this for you.
outgearing fights can cause issues.
that doesn’t make it a bug.
it means you need to adjust your strategies to prevent breaking scripted fights which are working as intended.

  • The construct can bug at 1hp if you move it too far from the boss, the best way to prevent this is to never move while inside, and just stay in the middle of the room.

I realized recently that these level 63 bugs are occurring when a character is in Chromie time. Try leaving Chromie time and equipping the item (or to see the true level requirement).

LOLZ, still bugged.

Also found another one that was NEVER fixed from Legion.

Doing the Murlock Play Fight in Mythic Return to Karazhan. Boss bugs out if they reach 1-2 HP. They’re unkillable, the play doesn’t continue. Hearthing is the only answer, luckily I have 4-6 Hearth abilities. But for people who don’t this is really stupid and annoying. Something else you guys should actually fix.

lol that’s not a bug from legion.

it’s a new thing which has reared its head since players have started WAY outgearing the fight.

it’s the same thing which happens with almost every scripted fight ever, when you don’t give it time to play out.


Stop defending, Blizzard. You’re defending the flawed defense of “it’s not a bug, it’s a feature!” Then again, seeing how much you’ve been protecting and defending Blizzard, you’re the type of person who enjoy’s Golden Discipline.

i’m not defending anything…
i just explained how it works.
this isn’t unique to this fight.
it’s a thing which happens when players outgear scripted fights.
take off a few items, or dps slower.

you’re more than welcome to report it as a bug, (as you already have) but just because you “feel” like it’s a bug, doesn’t mean it is.