Game is just dead??? or it is “working as intended”?
I have to play against monks teleporting through walls and floors with flag for six months?
Game is just dead??? or it is “working as intended”?
I have to play against monks teleporting through walls and floors with flag for six months?
broxikor why dont you just play monk? I dun get it
1- A single class doens’t suposed to be win condition
2- Do i look like a weakling coward cowering in fear behind a wall abusing broken mechanics?
Yikes. That’s hard to read.
You have to be good in something, since your best achiev is 100 kills in pvp, reading shouldn’t be a problem
Neither should basic grammer or gratitude, but here you are crying. lol.
Communicating around the world in 3 different languages could be everything but not basic.
If you need a text without grammatical errors and audio to understand something, that’s not my problem.
If someone gets 50% of their grammar wrong, I can still identify the message. It doesn’t matter the language.
I just kinda assumed Brox was posting in character roleplay. Just read it again but with a kul tiran voice.
As intended, rampant botting, selling queue sync premades for cash, not a peep from Blizz for years… BUTTTT shady stuff going on in Mythic Plus, they sure get interested fast…
as the season dies blitz only gets worse with win trading and discord losers
remove DUO remove the number of accepted invites from the matchmaking UI
so called “pvp devs”
no integrity in this game anymore
The players know that, high participation at the start of the expansion, everyone is excited, months later is tumbleweeds dead for the rest of the expansion. Nothing but Boosters and websites selling ratings.
Ban Wave today hitting Mythic+, some shady stuff in Mythic plus, now thats important! Blizz Blue post addressing the public, and they are hot on the problem.