Blizzard Employees Staged a Walkout to Protest Banned Pro-Hong Kong Gamer


From the article (excerpted for fair use, please see original article for full text):

"A small group of Activision Blizzard employees walked out of work Tuesday afternoon to protest the company’s actions against a gamer who expressed support for pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong during an official livestream.

“The action Blizzard took against the player was pretty appalling but not surprising,” a longtime Blizzard employee told The Daily Beast. “Blizzard makes a lot of money in China, but now the company is in this awkward position where we can’t abide by our values.”

“I’m disappointed,” another current Blizzard employee said. “We want people all over the world to play our games, but no action like this can be made with political neutrality.” The employees spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of professional consequences.

“One of the employees who spoke to The Daily Beast felt that the protest signaled a new era for Blizzard. The company has been complying with government censorship requests within its games in order to keep doing business in one of its biggest markets, he said.”


My hat is off to the Blizzard employees who staged this protest.

I’m doing that double tap thing the Horde did when Varok went down.


We have to stop screwing with urls and making it a pain to actually go to a website.

Put a ` at the beginning of the url and at the end, and it will highlight the text and allow you to post a url. You don’t need trust levels to do it this way.


Ugh. That’s grim.


I miss the old Blizzard.


You might be surprised at how far down the rabbit hole we’re willing to go when there’s a profit to be made.


tink tink indeed


When it comes to placing profit above all else, nothing would surprise at this point dude.
I’m a big fan of this picture. They taped over the words ‘Every Voice Matters’ and ‘Think Globally’ on Blizzard’s own plaques.


Thank you for the tip. Been posting on these forums since launch and still no ability to post links. What, do I need DOD clearance or something?


I still give it like a month before some respectable news outlet like Kotaku or Polygon runs an “I was fired from Blizzard for supporting Hong Kong” article

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Got a feeling there may be some up coming job openings at Blizz maybe we can get the Yak back


Yep. It’s also why you won’t see bones in the Chinese version of WoW. Bone piles are replaced by bread loaves and UD have no broken clothing/armor.


Thank you, it is tiring having to put “<>” in to links just so I can post.

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I mean… good luck

Personally, I’m ok with Blizzard changing things to suit individual regions out of respect for their cultural norms.

However, I do NOT want to see those changes become part of the game across the board. If/when they start implementing these changes across the board to satisfy other cultures, or because they’re too lazy, or because it’s more cost effective to simply use one set of assets… bad juju.


Hopefully the ones who walked out are the same ones who made BFA


I haven’t seen any of those “across the board” changes you refer to. Have there been any?

One can only hope…

can’t “like” b/c am out of them for now. You know, forum “likes” are carefully rationed.

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I chuckled heartily! :laughing:

Not that I’ve heard about or noticed. I mean, there were a pair of cloth pants that were altered to show less skin. Blizzard have said that was due to a “bug” but the change remains.

Maybe it’s the start of the slippery slope.


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