People are leaving the game. In droves. I would wager they are leaving faster then they did with WOD
While I agree this is an ok response the solution to problems shouldnt be just avoid it lol. There are obvious problems that need to be addressed, people are just looking for answers that wow probably doesn’t have .
Why not post on your main account?
Never said they ruined it. But if BFA continues on this trajectory we could see a landscape that resembles ruins, get me? You’re not wrong, tons of people are still playing it. But tons of people are also ignorant to what they’re paying money and their time for. I’m actually considering going into a game developing career. If I do, I would adopt a philosophy similar to GGG’s and CD Projekt Red’s - “make great games for gamers, money will follow”.
Obviously not, your 361 ilvl isn’t going to get you anywhere.
This is probably an alt for the monk above lol they’re just gonna try to argue that the game is fine over and over. But we know it isn’t.
If I’m a paid shill then reporting me is pointless if I work for them
Do the logic in that one.
So the game is dying … so you say or whatever… and to fix the issue like a hero you come to forums grab a pitchfork and trash the game.
I’m sure glad they are not hiring you guys for anything. You obviously care so much for the game you want to light it on fire and watch it burn.
I smell final fartasy shilling going on.
Like i said… if you know how great games work…
Then where is your game you made?
One would think you should prove you can make a better game before you trashtalk another one.
So the game is dying … so you say or whatever… and to fix the issue like a hero you come to forums grab a pitchfork and trash the game.
I’m sure glad they are not hiring you guys for anything. You obviously care so much for the game you want to light it on fire and watch it burn.
I smell final fartasy shilling going on.
I’ve never played a Final Fantasy game in my life BTW. Assuming doesn’t get you anywhere.
The game is dying. That’s a fact. It’s not pitchfork talk. Look at Blizzard’s stock worth over the last few months. After BlizzCon and that major conference call major shareholders ditched and rightfully so - they’re intelligent people who know exactly what to do with their substantial amounts of money. If you look back at my post history I’ve made plenty of good threads, comments, feedback and suggestions as to how I would improve upon BFA. I’ve been doing it since BFA released. I’m a loyal player who is very, very concerned with where WOW is going and I make it relatively known.
I mean even the streamers who generally fawn over everything Blizzard does is against this expansion ( the game is their bread and butter) and they have been telling players for a long while that BFA is just bad game design.
Then we have all the reports from Blizzard employees about how bad things are at Blizzard HQ with Activision moving execs in, cost cutting and slashing salaries. Telling Blizzard to get done faster. Blizzard used to be a publisher that released games when they were ready , not any more.
And then look what happened to HOTS. Anyone with 2 brain cells can see what Activision is doing to Blizzard.
The game is not dying, please take your tinfoil hat off and stop reflecting brainwaves off of it.
Post on your main account
The game is not dying, please take your tinfoil hat off and stop reflecting brainwaves off of it.
You say the game is not dying while it is. You won’t say anything to defend your argument. You belittle people with comments of tinfoil hats and pitchforks. What are you even doing here other than trolling?
I wouldn’t say the game is broken. Wrong wording imo that you used. More like they miss the mark on how something should have been done/they didn’t listen to certain feedback till next patch (for some things like the vendor thy added for island expedition,etc) or still haven’t at all.
But I don’t agree with the game is dying as anyone can say that anytime. Well they have since forever…yet game still stands. Just because something ain’t goin right doesn’t mean 100% the game is dying. They are losing subs for reasons but I won’t consider it dying unless it evidently results shows. Which I have yet to see it on it’s last legs. As many are still playing regardless. /shrugs/ But that is just me. Each to their own opinions.
But enough of that part. I’m sure the number one thing that is getting to players is the azerite system. I mean who is even keeping up with it. Not me.
So you’re saying you aren’t allowed to complain about a game you pay for unless you design your own game? Are you 15? Does your mom know you’re not at school?
But enough of that part. I’m sure the number one thing that is getting to players is the azerite system. I mean who is even keeping up with it. Not me.
The Azerite system is for people who need to catch up to the people who have plenty of time to play. The people who have plenty of time to play don’t bother actively collecting Azerite because of the catch up mechanics that are in place. It’s a pointless system.
Myself I do not think the game is dead yet. I do truly believe it is at its lowest point in History. I do not think the limited four month later patch that did not really help many of the classes worked well in Blizzs favor. Whether or not the game dies will most likely be decided in the next month or so, if the devs can fix it. I do not see a lot of players waiting beyond that.
Yeah because WOW being banned in China is going to really help the company. By the way ATVI has lost about 43% of itts market value since Oct. Realistically, ATVi is in financial trouble
It’s a system that I wonder what they were even thinking.
Balancing is adjusting by 1-3% not by 10-40% and giving classes broken traits/talents i get it adding new things to the game is amazing but its not fun when it breaks the game.
Very heavily disagree.
Your statement doesn’t take into account a key factor in balance/tuning: Massive buffs/nerfs (10-40% in your example) are done to either preserve a playstyle or change a playstyle. Spriests should be feeling like a Multi-DOT spec. Their DOTs felt weak. Blizzard gave them a major buff to both drive the “DOT spec” concept as well as for balancing/tuning.
In some cases, overbuffing a spell can create degenerate gameplay. For example, Wax and Wane in Legion added another damage modifier to Moonfire and Sunfire. With the total modifiers on those abilities, dropping a Starfall meant your effective DPS output was significantly higher (resource generation included); ratyher than the standard single-target rotation, you’d literally spam Moonfire and try to keep Starfall rolling.
Major tweaks are way more common in Beta.
Other than that little note, your criticisms are valid.
The market has shifted to instant gratification. But the game itself has gotten super casual friendly. It’s not a bad thing, but I feel we need more endgame content that isn’t just “here’s a lootbox. good luck”