making sure shoulder pieces of all armor types fit right on their bodies
creating lore/designing female ogres (i have heard rumor that this is the reason why ogre has not and probably will not happen. too hard to strike a balance between properly monstrous and conventionally attractive while still adhering to the ogre aesthetic. and as far as lore goes we know there are lady ogres but have thus far never been seen, and presumably enjoy equal status to their male counterparts within their societies but other than that it is unknown if women fulfill any other special role or function in ogre society)
other lore bits, i guess? (most ogres are presented as being unintelligent brutes and this shows through in their voice acting, sounding vaguely what the voice director/actor might think an intellectually disabled person might sound like)
like i think they could make all of those parts work but it just seems like a lot of effort compared to a more bulkier looking orc with ogre features. rexxar is the only one we’ve seen with a unique model so it stands to reason there’s a lot of things they could do to really sell the idea of your character being of mixed heritage
I would rather they just retcon a tauren sized ogre ethnicity or something.
Just make a new skeleton… Blizzard has the technology, just not the willingness.
For an extremely long amount of time nobody played dwarf orc or tauren females (unless you were on a roleplaying server) and after BC troll females became exceedingly rare. This is a non-issue, let them be ugly.
I’ve never heard anyone complain about this. This could be easily fixed by ignoring it and not capitulating to a very microscopic amount of whiners.
Also theres highmaul ogres to go off of, who speak in a more intelligent way, again Blizzard could write whatever lore they want, in exiles reach there’s highmaul architecture which is no where else on Azeroth, perhaps this could be used as a basis that a group of more intelligent (but still stupid) ogres retaining the highmaul culture came over before the dark portal was closed. Azeroth already has a insane amount of ogres on it, so it’s not that big of a leap in logic.