Blizzard does it yet again

Releasing a quest giver right outside the new Kara crypts dungeon, without guards, so that one faction can’t turn in the quest because it’s camped by multiple opposite faction raids griefing.

Weird, having no problems with the quest here on Wild Growth :slight_smile:


Strange, so the area was bugged and would not let you turn your pvp flag off?


Setting aside the snark.

Can you turn it in while dead?

My alt died in BRD after doing MC attunement quest and I was able to turn it in to the elf while dead. I’m pretty sure that was never possible in Classic 2019 or OG Vanilla. So I’m thinking this was a change done for PVP realms.

…might be a few other ‘key quest givers’ that allow you to talk to them while dead.

Nah that dude for mc along with the dude for the brd key both have always let you get the quest and turn it in while dead.

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Once again asking to please offer character moves from CS to Wild Growth for those of us that weren’t playing

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Make another sanctuary…
I member I was a worgen rogue in the maw before they made it safe …
You could never escape dogo

It’s like this in Wintergrasp right now because of the Lunar Festival. Horde controlled it most of the day and while I was on my Alliance toon, we were griefing. It happens.

did this attunement on 2 different chars within the first few hours and got ganked maybe 4 times on both combined.

gotta do it early when people are just concerned with getting the quest done and not ganking.

funny thing is though, every time ive gone to kara to get in and do the dungeon i get ganked 4 times on the way in.

maybe its just bad layers?

or maybe its just the alliance outnumbering the horde .

most players are on PVP realms, its the developer’s duty to make sure critical PVE progression elements can be achieved even if your faction is outnumbered

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Thanks for this very valuable information.


You could have just rolled pve server lol, i feel like you as well as all the people on the PVP server dont deserve to complain when people are pvping and its inconvenient to you. No flame, but you DID agree to an acknowledgement that blizz gives you before making a character on there.

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I never understood people who play on a pvp server who find it inconvenient. I mean, you knew these things were gonna happen. There are people who enjoy world pvp and like to play on pvp server, but you’re clearly more of a PvE person. I prefer PvE over PvP any day myself. It’s okay to like PvE over PvP.

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pvp problems require pvp solutions. there should be no safe places.

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PvP servers have always been a rose-tinted glasses lie we tell ourselves were fun. It’s way past time to stop rolling on them.

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People still play on wild growth?
Horde side seems dead

Exactly - I’m more of a PvE person myself as well, but I play on a Pvp server for immersion. I usually don’t attack the opposite faction if I’m busy doing something else, but I don’t play PvE because not having the option to or not having the opposite faction marked as red feels wrong to me from an immersion standpoint.

I understand that it’s part of the game and that I agreed to it with the disclaimer when I made the character to begin with.

As a result I don’t go on the forums and go “Blizzard does it yet again” and try to blame them for something that was my choice.

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This is a low IQ response fueled by personal bias and grudges. PVE servers are incredibly boring and the game was built around PVP servers, and since 2004 all the good players are on PVP servers. The difference was, back then we had competent devs that didn’t wear helmets to work.

Think about it. We had guards in cities. Guards in most quest hubs. Guards on many forms of transportation. We maybe had some bias because the devs played horde (they actually did, for real) so sometimes alliance wouldn’t get guards when horde did (zepplin v boats) but they understood that PVP in WoW still had to have some common sense. Duh, if you go into a city, there are NPC guards! Npcs exist in MMOs!

What if you went into a city and there were no guards? For some reason, NPCs can be vendors, but no guards? So players all have to defend the city 24/7? Can’t turn in your quest because the NPC is perma-killed because no guards? It makes logical sense from a story-perspective and from a gameplay-perspective.

They’re slowly learning. The new shoulder enchant vendor has a very powerful guard and Light’s Hope had its security beefed way up now. ONE of the Kara quest turn ins has mana guardians.

It’s the developer’s job to craft the experience. PVP is great. The idea that you can ride a zepplin or a gyrphon safely into Stanlethorn but then one out on your own, an enemy player could be creeping somewhere is a solid experience. However, not being able to turn a quest in because the devs lacked the foresight to craft the PVE elements properly doesn’t “require PVP solutions” it requires competent devs. Especially when even with faction lock they struggle to keep player rations the same, exacerbated by layering, which often makes a “PVP solution” impossible, bricking their game for many players.

PvP happening on a PvP server.
Everyone can move on.

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So… pvp happened? Neat… whats the complaint again?