Blizzard, do something about PreMades

There has to be a way to break them. Can’t you break the addons that use it?

It would also be a nice quality of life change if any players grouped in 3 or more, had a “pre-made” debuff, displayed underneath their character name plate.

We know they exist. I’ve grouped in 5s before, sparingly, but legit, 95% or more of my bg games are solo queue.

Just, come on, Blizz. We know you have the tools to break these addons.


Well making 1 group of 5 doesn’t require an addon so there is nothing to break

The matchmaking should enforce premade parity tho


It’d be relatively easy to make matchmaker check previously played games to ensure that people are weighted to not get repeat matches. Blizzard just prefers to be hands-off with PVP and let the community run itself into the ground.

There should be zero interaction between organized PVP and PUG PVP.


an ideal game is one with a premade on both sides with maybe 1/4 of each team being pugs.

What is ideal is different for many players. Some want to queue sync a raid group into large group content and hope to fight pugs or hope the enemy queue syncers leave the match early, some want to queue sync into small group rated conent and have any co-workers put on the enemy team lose on purpose, some want to queue solo with an equal stake in the match as everyone else.

What is ideal for a person and their interests is not always what is ideal for the health of the community.


They have ignored this problem for soo long many think that it is intentional, its by design.


For some reason Blizzard seems to be OK with a bunch of lame dickwads that get their kicks by ruining the game.
They could easily detect queue manipulation and issue escalating bans, or if they don’t want to put any effort into policing bad behavior, they could add a player blacklist, so you never get into a game with a player on your blacklist.


Wait till you hear that no one is using addons to queue into the same game. Your mind is going to be blown.

Premades aren’t organized most of the time. They don’t need to be. All it takes is a few people who are somewhat decent at the game to be in a group together and boom you’ll steamroll 99% of matches.


From my thousand games BG exp, solo que usually easier to win (if you good) and rarely vs premade team. You do vs some premade team maybe 1 in every 5 game. But if you que with group which you call premade, you have higher chance to vs other group and unless your group very good , if not you will struggle to win. You need to talk in chat, open map often, call inc, back up inc, tell your teammate who to focus, cc healer , focus objective then you will have higher chance to win. I mostly see people talk in chat is when they losing and blame each other. Not when the match start. Mostly importantly, click on battleground addon to see where your enemy at all the time, especially their healer.

Press ‘Shift-M’. Never open your map again.

First off….quit calling them premades! Premades are super legit and fun. Maybe a few guildies or buddies queing into matches. Social gaming is a thing and healthy and fun.

Que synching is cheating and garbage game play. So are you griefed because you have ran into a few buddies playing togther? Cuz that’s pre-mades. Or are you griefed up because of little Que synch communities are skirting the rules and tilting the game in their favor?


Do I need to link the thread again?

I’m unfamiliar with the thread. What is it?

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I don’t think I need to see the link again I think you need to see it again. It really defines who you are. It’s the only thing that prevents you from wearing the mantle of cheating scumbag. So go ahead and post it. I need a good laugh


It’s the only opinion which matters.

Correction: it’s the only opinion that matters to you! I think you are a cheating garbage player

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No, it’s the only opinion which matters at all.

You have no say in how I or anyone else plays.

Blizzard does.

Except that it isn’t cheating.

So you’re wrong.

Even if, in your opinion, Blizzard is wrong.

They are the ones who get to define what is considered cheating, in their game.