Blizzard did me a favor

blah, blah… blah!

Good luck guys!

Cool story.

Maybe don’t be toxic next time


I’m only toxic when people are toxic to me.

Karens make me sad.

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My brother made a 60 with my name a while ago :frowning: and he made a thread like yours and was very upset too he got silenced over nothing because people mass silenced him and he didn’t say anything worth being silenced about :frowning:
It’s just people masks reported him because he was talking about something irrelevant like yugioh in av and they didnt like it.

I agree that the silence system should improve.

Maybe it should be made so it people can’t abuse it :frowning:

But it’s hard to find a way for the program to think like humans.

Don’t quit friend :slight_smile:

Even if I didnt want to quit. I’m falling behind in honor. It’s the only real reason why I was even playing.

If it gets reversed in a day or two. That wouldn’t be bad… but if I have to wait a week. Well, It was fun while it lasted.

Friend just remember this :slight_smile:
If we can’t control something :frowning:
We can try and learn from it and get better, even if it wasn’t our fault.

Good luck friend :slight_smile:

Whataboutism demonstrates you do not have an internal locus of control.

I dont. But I usually just chill and ignore everyone. Once in a blue moon someone will trigger me. I guess that’s what got me this time. But, it’s all good. I get to save a little bit of cash now. lol

If you are gonna be a toxic turdball, at least own it. Don’t cop out.

If it were all good I doubt you would have made this thread.

Perhaps use this time for reflection and personal growth.

Nah, I’ll just move on and blizzard will never ever get another penny from me.

add me to friends list #asset1172 and see if I ever log into another blizzard game again.

I do hope Blizzard can find a way to make the silence system better still.
Maybe we should give them ideas.
Do you know any good ideas to prevent people misusing the silence system to mass ban someone who doesn’t deserve it? We can tell them.

Millions of luxury yacht builders suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

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As well they should be… i’ve spent a lot over the 17 years in xfering my char’s from alliance to horde and back again. tokens, shop items.

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Will give the OP some credit here as he did delete his lovely Karen-esque opener.

Because he doesn’t want to catch a ban.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

That too. I still give him some credit for recognizing that and stepping back from the edge.

God hates a coward.

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He also hates those who drink pumpkin spice beer.