Blizzard deletes contents of 100s/1000s+ guild vaults; 1 month later "sorry, our bad"


  • A month ago, stuff began disappearing from guild vaults
  • Some folks lost one or two items, some folks lost entire tabs
  • There was no way of players knowing what was lost
  • This continued for days
  • Blizzard provided no meaningful updates except in a thread in EU
  • In particular, response from CS in the US was a mixture of silence and “stop reopening this ticket or we will action your account”
  • This affected, at a minimum, hundreds of customers, and at a minimum, hundreds of thousands of items (I’m certain it was at least millions)

Blizzard’s response now:

“Ah well, yeah, our bad, anyway, get on with your life.”


They literally don’t care, they know you will stay sub and buy their next expansion and the same for everyone that lost their item.


Explains they don’t retain logs forever, but that they’ve spent the last month combing through as many as they could to salvage what they could

“Oh my god, why do they hate us?”

EDIT: And for the record, yes, they could have acknowledged the issue sooner than a month later. But to say that they didn’t do what they could is just being obtuse.


It’s really disappointing what we’ve seen with this debacle. Also it’s already been a month? Yikes. Time is flying!


Good thing my guild vault is made up of dust, 30 gold and that random health potion from 3 expansions ago

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:


A GM back in the day told me they keep logs ~1 month, but that was in regards to chat logs and many years ago.

I imagine with guilds, it’s more likely the last X thousand “transactions” in the bank.

People who think it’s realistic for them to be able to retain everything don’t know how data storage works lol.

I would wager the majority of guilds will get everything back. They even say the restoration will only be incomplete for some.

That’s not what they said lol. They said they had to identify the bug and have restored what they can, but there may still be lost items.

I’m having a good time with TWW, but it’s got beta level of bugs going on.

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Online/web/cloud “services” log all kinds of stuff for internal use.

Then the logs become part of “analytics,” along with stuff that’s preserved specifically in order to research bugs, address customer problems, address operational issues, answer LE requests, and so on.

Yes. “My bad”… That’s what they said. Not that they did what they could, but data was unrecoverable.



Not complete without some simp defending this monumental incompetence from Blizzard!


Better a “simp” than a futile doomsayer with nothing to contribute.

I would be astonished to find that some “maintenance process” that creates/deletes/alters items in game is not exhaustively logged. That’s a worse problem than the bug itself.

Among other things, you have to have this information in order to detect things like dupes.

There really is literally nothing worse that can happen in WoW than items being deleted. It’s basically deletion of an account, one bit at a time.


Its never happened before, in the history of the game.

Where is Blizzard’s I.T. department? Do they not do database backups?


Yeah loved logging in and seeing 8 tabs of mats missing (except some runecloth & broken tooth)

Then logging in today excited to finally get back my items!!!
And finding some Runecloth and Broken Tooth in the mail
thanks blizz

i would have preferred you just mailed me “lol haha u thought”


It’s not “database backups,” per se, but in the DB world there are transaction logs. In the software service world, there are logs. Logs, logs, logs, and so many logs. Logs like you can’t believe.

Every external and internal API call is logged, generally in multiple ways.

Yes it takes petabytes of storage. That’s how it works at scale.

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It will definitely sting but I also do feel like it’s just pixels so like why would I get so angry about it. Not saying you aren’t allowed, but one day this game might shut down and everything will be gone so just get your anger out and move on

I’m aware, I’m a retired software developer who also worked in I.T. as well. Was just keeping it simple for the masses.

But worst case, if logs don’t exist (and HTF does that happen!?) you can take a backup of the database from the day before the bug happened, install it on a PC, run SQL queries on items stored in a guild bank tab, and work from there. You can basically simulate/reconstruct a log.


Because its not just pixels, its a service/product that customers pay a monthly fee for to a corporation.

This kind of thing has never happened before in the life of WoW. Someone really screwed the pooch on this one.


I am fully prepared for the game to shut down and I lose everything.

But everything will be gone. Everyone will lose everything. It’s over, its gone.
It feels different when the game is still going, other people didn’t lose things, but the blizz deities just decided that your guild in particular would be better if it was empty. That sucks. That’s why I’m irritated. Now I don’t trust that anything in this game is safe. That makes me want to play less. I am a collector. I enjoy collecting things. Having my collections randomly disappear at any given moment is the nightmare scenario for me personally.