Blizzard cyclone needs a CD or something

literally miserable in a shuffle with a rdruid and a boomy just cloning you non stop. you stop one clone oh nvm im cloned anyway cause the rdruid is back there like clone needs a CD seriously


I agree buff rogue

  1. Storm bolt
  2. Shockwave
  3. Pummel
  4. Charge away
  5. Heroic leap away
  6. Intervene away
  7. Reflect
  8. Intimidating Shout
  9. Bladestorm with Storm of destruction
  10. Avatar with Blademasters Torment.
  11. Use pillar to LOS.
    EDIT: 12. Warbanner
    Good luck brother.

its crazy cause i do all that actually but even then clone clone clone clone clone clone . only have so many things i can do


If an rdruid is casting 12 clones on you then they’re not healing so you should be winning.

I agree, buff fury warrior

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talking about a lobby with two druids . i checked my recount and i was literally cloned almost 20 times in a rss lobby with a boomy and rdruid

dozers fried but boomkin clone doesn’t have nearly enough drawbacks atm

rdruid and feral clones both have drawbacks and requirements and neither are in any shape or form an issue

but boomkin never stops doing 60k dps, never stops having 10,000 armor (40% physical damage reduction), nor does it really even care about range while it’s plowing through the hilariously short duration lockouts on most specs post nerf to get 6 second cyclones that just end the game

boomkin should either leave form, lose additional clone range, or deal dramatically reduced damage while attempting to cyclone

makes 0 sense that there’s basically no punishment or risk involved in getting the best control in the game


This all very useful information if the only objective of arena is to not get cycloned.

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I don’t think being incapable of punishing clone-enabling positioning with damage is as universally difficult as you’re putting it here

Are we removing precog from the equation here or something? It’s news to me that feral clone is fine

never been a fan of x beats y by nature of existing

if it’s so heavily weighted against physical with the addition of free iron feather armor and not relevant against wizards then maybe evening out the mitigation type would be better for everyone involved

I don’t think anyone has an issue with the way feral has to play to get cyclone

I think the issue comes entirely from frenzy which imo doesn’t have anything to do with the cyclone itself no?

Boomkin so so oppressive with their armor, damage, and utility.

100% agree on both points

in the here and now i think it’s worth mentioning within this topic that there’s probably no comp in the game moonkin is less scared of than turbo, minus the short windows ascendance is up

armor has direly needed smoothing for this whole xpac, the mooner heyday and now the mm economy both put it in a really obvious light

that’s a very specific phrasing
i guess i don’t disagree, but my anecdotal experience is that “ugh, (because of the incentive package of frenzy and precog) cloned all game” is the complaint, and the frenzy of it all is the quiet part.

to refine my point, i disagree with this separation

So your ironic cope is that if we dump every possible mobility and CC into you and you alone, maybe we can stop some inbred owl from spamming his 1.2 second cast?

Thanks for the advice, very helpful.

Edit: Oh, you’re resto. So that still changes nothing because your AI pets are healing the entire team while you make a sandwich in the other room and a drippy drinky bird spams the 1 key for cyclone.


This guy gets it.

This probably directly impacts my issues with boomkin cyclone enough that I don’t think cyclone would be an “issue” the way I originally implied

Out of curiosity would a change reducing the amount of power feral gets from the free frenzy be easily exchangeable with reducing cyclones duration/accessibility?

no way right?

nobody cares dozer, adults are talking

i would want a mythological unbiased feral main to give feedback on that before i say so, but yeah probably. i think it was dumb for blizzard to baseline precog in general, but it was exceptionally dumb to give feral this honor talent at the exact same time. feral never cloning in s1 was silly, but i doubt that that would have continued with embellishment precog

frenzy doing dmg itself and buying back 3-5 gcds of builders per completed clone just destroys the opportunity cost of caster form clone spam, and feral having kidney shot gives a complete win condition as soon as the clone actually lands that i don’t really see boomkin or rdruid having to the same innate, every-DR degree

oh you know theres a GIF image of that out there somewhere lol

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Considering boomy has horrible defensives and healing, to nerf their primary source of utility and survivability would make them unplayable without buffs elsewhere. How about if there needs to be a nerf somewhere, we just work backwards and not make precog as accessible in 10.2? Clone wasn’t as oppressive in S1 when precog wasn’t pretty much free and baseline.

Regarding Feral clone, it would certainly help to make it more accessible. Feral playstyle in season 1 was just a bleed bot and no one played clone 1)because of accessibility and 2)it was better to take other talents and just be a massive bleed bot - which eventually got nerfed

People then wanted the ability for more dynamic gameplay and to have a reason to utilize clone again which I think for most people just meant making it more accessible so we could take more survivability talents. Instead they doubled down gave us the Wild Attunement PVP talent and now ferals are taking starfire/sunfire/boomkin talents just to get astral influence for the range and lean into the Wild Attunement abuse cycloning gameplay.

I would personally prefer to do away with the PVP talent, buff feral self healing and survivability a bit, and make clone more accessible. Essentially buff survivability in place of the damage tied to cyclone.

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first it was 12k now its 10k