Blizzard Communication

You mean Activision? Or their defenders?


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small indie company

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Activision, Blizzard and their butt-washers.

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Because smaller development teams don’t have financial overlords pulling the strings. If Blizzard told its playerbase the real reason it does anything, they wouldn’t have any customers left.

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“Blizzard Communication”?!? Is this a thread for oxymorons?!

Neat! I’ll go next: Interesting Human Paladin.

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Jagex for example their parent company is Shanghai Hongtou Network Technology Co., Ltd. So to use the excuse of they dont have a large corporate overlord is demonstrably false when in old school runescape case Jagex is literally owned by the Chinese a large amount of these smaller companies have some form of parent company.
In blizzards case the issue is the people not the company.

At this point nothing is going to do that. It’s been a situation where people will complain no matter what they do for some time now.

It’s almost like cannibalizing a corporation to pay for CEO bonuses has ramifications.


Ok? Its a cm making a personal tweet, that is ignorant. Do you think he represents the company at all times or something?

When I’m not at work I don’t represent my company. Cms are allowed to have personal thoughts, feelings, and opinions too you know.

Like every other company, what’s best for the shareholders isn’t always what the consumers want to hear. The consumers are every bit as greedy as the shareholders, though, so they’ll outrage whenever they hear something they don’t want to hear.

In many cases, they can save themselves the outrage by simply not telling us, whatever “it” is they’re not telling.

That’s not really an argument. By your logic no one should ever post on social media with opinions because they speak for whatever company they work for. That doesn’t make sense.

People only get fired for posting on social media if it:
A. Pertains to internal company business, or
B. Is extremely inappropriate.

His tweet falls under neither. It’s just basic ignorance.

I’d have to argue that Blizzard’s team is smaller.

Is as close as anyone here is going to see for a while.

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Lore used to be just another Yth/Kaivax/Bornakk type like back in WoD. He posted quite a bit, for anyone who doesn’t know. Now that I have been here for awhile I am starting to see a pattern where maybe they cycle through CMs for everything other than the technical/CS sections… Maybe it has to do with stress or something.

Kaivax and Bornakk have been around for quite some time. Bornakk at least since 2011, but probably longer. Then he kinda disappeared, and now (maybe?) he is back, or it’s just Kaivax now I am not sure. Either way, Lore kinda stopped being the face of the forums sometime soon after the Q&As started I think.

The classic forums attitude has significantly improved since its inception.

GD on the other hand well like they say …stay classy GD. :rofl:

When the Dear Leader communicates via scripted questions and answers…yeah that is not communication.

When there are no patch notes on a PTR or alpha/beta that isn’t communication.

When people are banned in mass due to a potion exploit where is the communication aftermath?

Not only are they not communicating enough but when they do they do so poorly.

And the no effort to communicate clearly their vision and intent of the game is probably the worst of it all.

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Ah, yes. I thought that was most likely the case. I understand your frustration fellow player.

Go play Runescape then. How many people still actively play? Maybe a few thousand? Did it ever occur to you that their tiny population base doesn’t come at the devs with pitchforks and knives every time someone doesn’t like something? Or maybe their tiny community actually listens to all the words they say about development and not just pick out parts. For example, Blizzard used to tell us things they were working on and flat out said “This is something we are working on but there are chances it might not make it live.” but some of the WoW community hears, “This is what we are doing and it will be guaranteed to be live.”

Have you seen their sub reddit? It’s on par with the GD here or worse it’s not exactly saintly