Blizzard, can you focus on changes that actually matter?

Imagine the possible quality of the game if they would focus on real issues instead of pretend issues. People might even come back and play their game if they’d devote time to real issues and fix them.

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What leveling exp nerf? I thought they literally just buffed leveling XP across the board.

I understand that some issues can be fixed far easier than others, its just when there are glaring issues in some areas of the game that are coming up on a year now. Tol Dagor for example, AoE abilities from both players and mobs go through the walls (both sideways and up/down). I just wish things like this got some additional focus, as I have never seen an issue like this before Tol Dagor, at least not consistantly.

Scaling systems are real nice with stat squishes arent they?


Viable form of gold generation for people in PvE. People carry for gold in 120 dungeons/raids, people carry in 120 PvP for Gladiator titles/Mounts, and people used Twinked characters to carry leveling. Its not much of an exaggeration that there was a market for a service and people jumped on an efficient method to level quickly without much work.

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Woah! It sounds like you support ADDing fun to the game instead of taking it away!!! :open_mouth:


This sounds like my work

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But the lawyer doesnt so nothing gets fixed that matters.

But but…this sounds logical…logic has no place in WoW!

Better analogy:

A road has been blocked off for 6 months. Instead of fixing it, the city closes a side road people had been using to go around the blockage because they didn’t intend for that side road to be used like it was.

Then you have some people (perhaps very short and wearing green shirts) claiming to angry drivers that it’s really a non-issue because blocking that side road takes a lot less effort than fixing the main road.


It’s like having multiple orders to fill and instead taking that time to manually clean out your hard drive.

Sure it needs to be done, but you should be handling the priority things first. I think that is what the OP is trying to express.

Blizzard is literally showing us their new improved filing system while we are still waiting on orders to be done.

This has ruined several of my keys :confused:

Wish this was fixed already

Or playing the game the way Blizz designed. All you have to do is look at the Waterstrider to see what Blizz thinks about your time commitment to this game means.

That is you making the assumption that they are not working on what you think they should be working just because you see some people fixing other issues that are broken.

More like “fixing” something that isn’t broken at all. Who cares about someone else using their twink character to power level someone else?

Blizzard since BC.

Yes, Blizzard has been obnoxious for a long time, we know this.

That’s the whole point of this thread. Blizzard are the masters of squeezing that ball of play-doh so hard that it all slips between their fingers, and the latest “fix what isn’t broken” is just a symptom of that.

OP, you gotta understand: there are just so, so many people still playing, and many of them are engaged in numerous types of “unauthorized and inappropriate fun” that need to be be identified and eliminated. Blizzard cannot simply sit back and let people play the way they want to in ways that so clearly contradict the intended way Blizzard wants them to play.

Tracking down all these ways people are playing the game wrong is a very high priority for Blizzard. We have to rely on Blizzard being the experts in how to play the game and how to have fun. We as players are only amateurs when it comes to knowing what is fun or not and we have to defer to their expert judgement on what is or is not fun.


/moo :cow:


Hey, 0 customers means technically a 100% satisfaction rating! That’ll impress the stock holders for sure!


Not gonna lie, you had me until the /sarcasm part :joy:

Well done my sir!

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so true. A Waterstrider is one of the best time investments I ever made in the game.