This will be repeatable, up to the maximum that you could have otherwise earned via weekly Horrific Visions or from N’Zoth the Corruptor.
Is the “maximum” here referring to the maximum of 2 cores per week cap, or the maximum current cloak resist possible?
I’m seeing an even split between 2 groups of people thinking one or the other, I originally took this as unlimited up to current max cloak resist but now I’m doubting myself.
Current cap~
Mk, same question. Current weekly cap or current cloak resist cap. Lol.
Saw the edit, is this just assumptions by a random poster?
It will be the current cap for the week, so 92 so far!
It’s been changed so you can go check it out now, I am at cap so I can’t confirm myself but other players are reporting it.
Seems pretty clear to me, still no more than 2 cores per week.
Seems pretty clear to me, still no more than 2 cores per week.
Lmao, this is what I’m talking about. I’m so lost.
Yes! It is more than 2 cores per week!!! With the echoes update you can buy 14 cores in ONE day if you want… Up to the 92 cap, which goes up by 3 each week.
I think I missed this part again
This will be repeatable, up to the current maximum Resistance that the cloak allows (currently 92 Corruption Resistance, and next week this will increase to 95).
So I think ya’ll are right then lol.
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When you get to the “current” cap, you can still buy one core per week or farm it with a vision or N’Zoth kill.