Blizzard, please, consider us for a transfer. We are literally the only raiding guild remaining, and tough for us to recruit for high-end content. We just want to be around others…
You can get a transfer by buying one.
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Sure. However, they do free transfers off dead realms often, so why wouldn’t I ask? Plus, you gonna help me pay for 25 of us to transfer off. Keep it moving LOL
Lol, no need to be aggressive I’m just putting it out there. BEsides why would I help you pay? You don’t help me pay my subscription.
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When I call this game dead I get flack from all the shills but here we are with another “help me my server is dead only 11 players raiding” thread.
We’ve just seen the steady decline on the server. Shadowlands was relatively dead, but still a “decent” pop. Then really started declining through SL. We had 4 raiding guilds on DF S1, and now down to just one.