Blizzard, bring down the hammer on premades already

Dida, stop clowning. You’re not even on BSG’s threat list. You’re considered as an npc that’s just a Karen. Even your community members know that.


Why would I care about BSGs list? Dont you guys just play vs pugs?

Just attack in game and stop making excuses.

Out of all premade leaders to be upset with, why Dida? He doesn’t always premade and when he does, his premades are very beatable by pugs anyway lol.

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I’m not, in any way, a premade leader.

What you really mean is that when I’m pugging, I lose along with the other pugs.

One day, I’d love to meet this premade I supposedly lead. Can’t believe you’ve met them before I have.

One community leader that needs to be stopped is Krienn. Currently he’s undefeated, never died in a BG in over 10 years, and is pro GY farming to get people bloodthirsty titles. He needs to be knocked down a peg or two!


He’s referring to me. I said he doesn’t play objectives. He gets all the rogues to hunt one person. Quite childish.


Says the person that exploits to get wins…


That’s not just childish. It’s harassment and should be reported as harassment.

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It’s harassment to kill someone in pvp combat? Uh oh everyone that’s ever done pvp should be banned. HAHAHA


You have no right to talk. You prolong battlegrounds on purpose to farm hks.


Have you noticed every time I say Plm harasses women (me included as being harassed) the thread gets locked down and disappears?

Plm, we do not farm hks, no need to. We play objectives. Give it a try instead of stalking women leaders perhaps?

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No, he plays bgs to do that and only that. And notice the ones who go baaaa are the only likes you got?

Yall harass pugs every night with your premade, prolonging battlegrounds to almost an hour and you have the nerve to call for harassment?

Yeah you deserve to get rekt and face rolled .


Killed Ruthlessbro twice last night, Krolak, Rhanwas, etc.

Looks like everyone identifies as female now when things don’t go their way?


Ah no wonder. He thinks I’m a girl. It makes so much sense then. We’ll you and I know what they call men like that.

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Actually no. Everyone knows you’re a soy boy. Nice try diddy.


Wow, someone’s really putting in extra effort today. How about channeling that energy into the game instead of playing insult games on the forums? Plum needs more rogues to attack who he’s hunting. Just FYI, cause he cant do it by himself.

It’s pvp. You’re supposed to go in there and kill people. You exploit so you have zero room to talk. You are harassing the player base by exploiting and ruining the game for everyone that’s not exploiting.


Dude, they prolong games so they can farm hks. I had a pug av and it lasted almost an hour and my pug team only had 2 healers vs their 7+

consider that the average player only has the stamina to last 30-45 minutes in a turtle, if you have a well disciplined team that is capable of full output play well past the hour mark, then dragging a game out in order to play into one of your strengths is just good strategy.

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