Blizzard, bring down the hammer on premades already

Thanks for assuming I only have 1 account.

Spoken like a true pve player. Part of the game is having guilds and fighting with friends. Dont be upset

Get more friends :slight_smile:


How does “having more friends” make exploiting ok?

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“she goes to a different school” vibes


No it isn’t, 99% of the time it’s people wanting to group together so they don’t have to rely on terrible solo-q players when you get in a hard game, trying to avoid getting a bunch of doofuses running around doing no damage, getting no kills, not CCing, not healing and not doing objectives. Just like people who complain about premades wrecking them, people who premade also don’t want to get wrecked by other teams. So
they bring their friends, people who generally know how to play the game.

Premade vs premade games are some of the most fun games that exist in wow. It would make the game way more fun if people started grouping up and queuing instead of being delusional thinking that every group is just out there to ruin their fun. They’re trying to have fun themselves, but that’s the nature of pvp
one team loses

It’s an online video game, who’s saying that all premades are their IRL friends? You can make friends in game, too.


Agreed. Nothing is worse than solo queueing with a bunch of people who dont know how to play the BG correctly, and just want to fight on the road and get carried. Its much more enjoyable playing with a group of like minded individuals, who know the map, the objective, the best strategy, and are skilled in their character class/specialization. Even if we dont end up winning, its more fun that way. After all, its not any different than doing a raid or a mythic with a lfg/pug vs. A guild group or premade.
And like i tell everyone who complains
if you cant beat em, join em. If a game after all, and you gotta do what you gotta do to advance and make your character better. Plus, you get to meet some long lasting friends along the way. :grin:


Right? Sometimes when we see other groups queueing through communties/friend list we queue up too and try to fight them. When we do, we don’t always win but it’s better than fighting people who just stop playing after the first wipe


Then go play the modes made with that in mind.

So, with that logic cheating is ok.

I thought this was supposed to be your ‘rated’ account? Where’s the rating, or does it only exist in your imagination too?

Celinthia still hasn’t received a carry this season. Odd. Well I can change that but his wrists are too broken.

Care to provide proof that I have been “carried”?

I hope @Blizzard doesn’t get triggered by this post. They removed mine. All in all, I’m glad I keep seeing these. Maybe Blizzard will quit making cosmetics and fix some aspects of the game.

Let me know when you want that boost.

Why on earth would I want a boost from you? I have more experience in the game then you. You’re a weird little troll.

Yeah everyone here literally knows that’s not true. By far. LMAO Unlike you I’ve been around since early 2005. Oops. You lose

Playing pve it seems. I am even higher rated then you. I’m not one to ratings shame, but you’re not even anywhere close to my level. If you’re going to talk big at least have the proof to back it up.

uh no. You’re literally not. At all. I have video footage and multiple accounts with 2200+ earned on three classes and my holy paladin is literally far above your garbage right now, without even trying. Carrying total randoms, while you’re at the bottom of a barrel in denial. Nice try though. You lose.

Ahh yes of course it’s always “my other account”.

Get a grip bud hahhaha

You can see by my records and video footage on youtube that you’re a moron and far lower rated stuck in the 1500s compared to my 2200 to 2300

My holy paladin just now passed your sad rating in 1 sitting tonight while carrying a destruction warlock in 2v2. lmfao

Right, and what “youtube” would that be? Also, I have been far above “1500” lol
Sure taking you a long time to find your own youtube channel.

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