Blizzard Banning Players Exploiting Reputation

I don’t think it’s a perfect system. I think it’s adequate in meting out justice while minimizing harm. You may not agree that the harm is minimized because you’re suffering from it. But there is no better system that can rapidly address cheating by old cheaters and new cheaters alike. Sorry that you look like a new intentional cheater. But there is no better system.

I personally would trade the four days back as well as the “black mark” on our accounts for the seven levels of renown we would have all received eventually.

I’m guessing most suspensions were upheld . I’m upset at Blizzard for throwing out such a wide net with their bug turned exploit. They got those pesky RWF folks alright! :wink:

Brother, the way to minimize harm is to not ban anyone since nobody got some kind of extreme benefit from this exploit. Literally all that has to happen was take away the renown and rewards, and no harm was done.

I don’t agree. The benefit to having access to renown items and recipes has knock-on effects that harm the integrity of the game. Because of that, a simple roll-back isn’t going to address the unfairness caused by exploiting the system. Not that your qualification of ‘extreme’ is even necessary to justify a ban for violating their rules.

Only 4 days?
Blizzard you are favoring exploiters. This is all disgusting.

Then you’re arguing from a place of ignorance, because the ONLY renown reward or recipe that required the use of this exploit and could give a power advantage was the Enchanted Runed Harbinger Crest, which absolutely has no ‘knock-on’ effects. So exactly what ‘unfairness’ is caused by exploiting a system if all your rewards for the exploit vanish? Zip. Zero. Zilch.

Like I said, the extremeness of the benefit is irrelevant. The integrity of the game is violated with every exploit, big and small. And action being taken is the appropriate response from the perspective of people who want that integrity maintained. You are not among those due to your bias. I’m done discussing this with you because of that bias affecting your rational thought. Again, good luck with the appeal. Let us know how it turns out.

Oh cool, always a big fan of “I can’t think of any logical argument so I’m done with you.”. Thanks, come again!

That’s quite the desperate ego-preserving dishonesty I’d expect from a cheater.

Oh, so you’re not done then? Cool. So, very convenient of you to use my “bias” as an excuse to stop engaging when you are equally biased on the other end. That is to say, you’re a player unaffected by this ban wave who feels some catastrophe awaits if Blizzard doesn’t come down hard for every exploit big or small, and you use ambiguous phrases like “integrity of the game” to camouflage the fact that you have no logical argument. Combined with a side of appeal to authority fallacy makes your last post pretty meaningless.

And we’re full circle back to calling me a liar since you have nothing logical to argue. Very fun!

So, if I posted screenshots of my TSM logs that show me making dozens of sales per hour nearly every hour of every day of the first week of the EA + launch, what would your excuse be? I learned about the exploit and decided to make a second account and set up this elaborate ruse that required intense multitasking between two game clients to cover my tracks of “exploiting”? Except I’ve had the second account for multiple expansions and have had the same MO for goldmaking at the start of xpacks since BFA.

Hyperbole. The act itself warrants punishment. The severity of which is determined by multiple factors. I won’t spell that all out as it should be unnecessary. Astute as you are, you should know by know what exacerbating and mitigating factors would be. There doesn’t have to be some cataclysmic outcome for the punishment to be four days. There just has to be some verifiable violation of the CoC and ToS.


  1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
  2. the state of being whole and undivided

Both definitions can work to some degree. Preferring the first, I see “integrity of the game” as a quality such that you can identify the fairness inherent in play. A game where you use unscrupulous methods to gain advantage would be a low integrity game. Fair play is punished. The immoral actions are best. Blizzard does not want to encourage such a lack of integrity, so they remove violators, impose restrictions, and warn players to maintain their moral obligations not to cheat.

This whole time I’m not even accusing you of cheating intentionally. In a flippant way, yes. So please disabuse yourself of that thought. I keep saying “I hope you win your appeal” because I have been assuming good faith on your part in that regard. The hand-waving away prior points as simply illogical, however, show you cannot engage discussion of philosophical matters in good faith. That’s why I chose to end the discussion. Because you’re incapable of overcoming your unbiased perception.

You may now have the last word, as is your wont.

Call it hyperbole or whatever you want, but you’re still biased by the fact you weren’t affected by this issue. If you can’t acknowledge that then you’re incapable of rational discourse.

If advantages from using unscrupulous methods are negated, then fair play is preserved. Also, the issue clearly wasn’t with what the definition of integrity was but rather your injection of the word as some kind of argument without any specification of what actual consequences are for an abrasion of “the integrity of the game”. Quoting a dictionary as a response is quite the desparate ego-preserving gambit I’d expect from a person who slowly incorporates more and more fanciful and superfluous language as their hold on reason wanes. In case you missed it, that was an attempt to recall your attention to the post where you implicitly called me a cheater, in direct contradiction to your most recent assertion that you have not, in fact, called me a cheater.

By the way, and I realize that what I’m about to say is ad hominem but it is simply too hilarious to let go; you sound like exactly the kind of terminally online Redditors that get made fun of by everyone else. Typing like you’re writing a master’s thesis in English doesn’t help you win an argument in an arena like this, it makes you look like an out of touch weirdo who’s insecure about their intelligence.