Blizzard Armory not showing all battle pets

Hello - I am seeing an issue with the Blizzard armory website, where it is not properly showing my battle pet collection.

Summary of issue:
I have many duplicate pets in game, and in most cases I have only one level 25/rare version and then 1-2 others at lower quality or level.

In game all my pets show up no problem, but when I view the armory, I am only seeing the lower level/rarity pets in some cases. For example I have 3 unborn valkyr pets, one which is level 25/rare and the others are lower. The armory only shows my grey/level 21 version.

This is kind of a pain actually because I can’t see my full collection which makes it hard for me to track down which pets I still want to level/capture/upgrade.

Please let me know what the solution to this problem is, if any. I would like to avoid having to release duplicate pets because in some instances these are fairly rare/valuable pets.