Blizzard: "Are we out of touch? NO! It's the players who are wrong!"

Fair point, but what I mean is people were asking for other stuff more than whatever evokers are supposed to be.

Dracthyr aren’t really my thing, but out of that list I think tinkers are the only thing that wouldn’t be niche or a minor variation on what’s already there.

Playable ogres would have to be no taller than tauren, and in effect actually pygmy ogres which is eh. San’layn are elves, but with pointy teeth and bags under their eyes…

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Your (in my best guess) take on this thread is that people are significantly more interested in the Dracthyr but fail to provide proof that it has requested at the same rate or frequency as the aforementioned races. You then used the entire player population to try to prove a point but it’s a misguided attempt at shifting the goal-post. Therefore I said that you should have no issue finding a megathread regarding this topic since the majority of players wanted this.

To put more simply, if they were as popular as you claim, then I should be able to see megathreads about it before the Dragonflight reveal. And if your only defense is that “well Blizzard should only put stuff you already suggested?” then you don’t get the factual error you made at all and I’m wasting my time lmao


Also pointed out that me posting on a classic character somehow invalidates my opinions and suggestions and invalidates my point, and hasn’t yet answered what metrics would be valid (M+ clears, Mythic raid clears, gladiator were my offered suggestions)

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Where did I say they were? Were we even aware that such a thing existed or were they created for the sole purpose of being the new class for DF?

I mean that’s a separate issue itself. And tbh I’m coming from a place where I’m actually happy to play Evoker/Dracthyr and resubbed cause of the expansion reveal.

But it’s dishonest to invalidate that people have (and quite commonly so) requested for those races.

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I hate to say it but this the sad reality of the forums and social media in general.
Most people I know never use the forums or are in social media commenting…

I even post what ideas, speculations or wishes, discuss in and out of game in the forums because I know they never care to most anything or are interested in chatting with strangers beyond what is require in a Dungeon, Raid or PvP completion.

I guess I’m the odd ball among my friends…

While there were some established options to be sure, the fact that Blizzard -
⠀⠀⠀a) didn’t already have a reptilian race available
⠀⠀⠀b) needed something with the marketability of Dragons,
⠀⠀⠀c) needed something they could tie a whole expansion to

– means that this choice and direction makes sense.

It might not be what you, Tinkerer/Vampire/Ogre fan wanted, but it does make sense. Dragons are awesome - awesome enough to focus an entire expansion on. A class/race has to be thematic to a given expansion, or generally play some kind of key, major role. That’s not to say that a technology or return-to-Draenor/Outland themed expansion is unthinkable, but after Shadowlands, something more grounded was going to be in the cards.

Technology is largely niche and primarily spearheaded by one race the Devs historically don’t like (sorry Gnomes). The Ogres do have just about as deep of roots as you can find in the franchise, sure, but to really feature them you need to go off-world, and while Burning Crusade was great, Warlords of Draenor? … Hard sell.

And having anything death/undeath themed like the San’layn or a Necromancer class after Shadowlands is just a hard, absolute NO all around.

After two relatively lack-luster expansions, Blizzard knows they have to hit an absolute homerun with Dragonflight. They need us talking about Dragonflight in the same longterm, wistful tones as Wrath, Mists, or Legion. They need to start with a solid, popular theme, and “Dragons” is as strong a choice as any. That means the class and race is going to fit that theme.

Could it have been something different? Sure. Instead of “Evoker” they could have gone with “Dragon Knight” (as though we needed more melee) and made it a more classical Dragonkin/Drakkonoid option. It could have been something different with more ties to the dragons of WarCraft past, sure.

But no matter what, it was going to be draconic. How well it turns out, we shall see. But thematically, conceptually… this is exactly in the realm of what anyone should be expecting.

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Yeah, and they look amazing. So well done to the professional game designers I guess.

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Bizzard fans: We have been longtime fans of both warcraft and WoW and want more things that fit into the classic warcraft universe like Ogres and have been asking for for a long time.

Other Blizzard fans: We have been longtime fans of both warcraft and WoW and want more things unlike anything we have seen before and are completely different than anything done before (includes devs looking to make their “mark” in the gaming industry)

SO you have 2 conflicting sets of fans, one who want you to stay what you have been and others who want you to change into the competition you have beaten

The problem with trying to provide “proof” in the form of community discussions is that the percentage of WoW players who engage in any forum (whether that be the official forums, a subreddit, or elsewhere) is tiny and not necessarily representative of the playerbase as a whole. Furthermore, forums and particularly megathreads are exceptionally poor quality samples, thanks to echo chamber effects, sockpuppeting, and trolling.

Blizzard has access to much higher quality metrics on this kind of thing by way of being able to do things like market research as well as having direct access to metrics on current characters. If they chose to, they could also implement per-battlenet-account polling in WoW itself which while not still not perfect would be much more resistant to tampering than forum polls, strawpoll, etc.


Fixed this for you

That’s a take, but I never wanted ANY of the three things OR the thing they gave us. They don’t listen to ANYONE. At all. It seems…

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Sure they do. I’ve been here long enough to remember when people whined and complained about Blizzard not adding a new caster class.

Now they finally added one and people are complaining about it.

I hate to defend Blizzard as I am so disappointed in so many of their on-going development decisions concerning WoW but:

Players did ask for another mail class.
Players did ask for another ranged class.
Players did ask for playable dragonoids.

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I wouldn’t play any of those, but if blizz gave players (generally speaking) what they actually wanted instead of androgynous skinks, that would keep me interested.

Naga, Broken , Ogres , Taunka , Tuskkarr, Arrakkoa… :heart:

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I keep saying to myself everyday this is got to be the alpha version. Similar to the classic trolls.

As in “quick let’s adapt worgens to dragons” for placeholder status

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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To be fair, people have been begging Blizzard for a new mail-wearing class for eons. It’s part of the reason Tinker has any traction in the first place - Tinker would have worn Mail in their mind and it would have evened out the armor type distribution a bit.

Mail for Dragons also makes 110% sense as all of the old Dragon Scale armor in the game was Mail.