Blizzard announced launch time!

1pm pst

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1 P.M. PST.

Remember to allow several hours of leniency as Blizzard’s servers melt again for launch


2h enhancement coming on launch or nah? Tag me when they fix this mistake

Awesome, even earlier than some thought. Though with the queue boss, it will still probably be 5pst before I get in lol

Barring anything unforeseen of course.

They said in a blue post theyre launching large realms that can handle a bigger pop and will expand as needed.

Same! Yay :heart:

I’m glad it was earlier than they have been lately. Although I would have preferred much earlier.

They never took it out, you can still pick up 2h axes and maces at lv20.

Yeh you can be the one spam reported and kicked out of dungeons for playing off meta. Not me.

Fear is used to control the masses.

Try being an individual and you’ll see its far more rewarding.

I’m trying to individually use a 2h on my shaman and not get banned for it. We are a marginalized group and clearly being hunted down and forced into Era servers. Even by blizzard

Show us the proof that they are banning people that aren’t playing meta or sit back down.

People tend to get mass reported playing off meta. Game isn’t even out yet step bro.

Proof brotato … do you have it?

I’d direct you to someone who has experienced it but they are all banned from mass reports.

whatever Nobody gets bann…

Beebopboop… the person typing will have to wait 1h of ban before he can finish reply. :crazy_face:

Ive never seen it and have they said RDF will be in?