Blizzard and the Difficulty Increase of War Within

Maybe I’m crazy, but from M0s to Delves and just skimming the boss mechanics of the new raid and it seems like the Blizzard Developers at some point did a complete 180 from the accessible nature of PvE content in Dragonflight and instead transitioned to, “Everything must be hard.” It’s really, REALLY bizarre, especially when Dragonflight was praised for how accessible PvE became under its tuning.


There is some truth to the fact that it’s still early and many of us are coming into TWW off of a fated season where loot rained on us from every direction and we immediately met gear reqs or overgeared content.

But they are definitely cranking things up a notch, not only in difficulty but tedium and timegating.


This is the easiest raid I’ve ever gone into release week.

I haven’t tried normal or LFR but isn’t it like…always cleared within a few days if not day 1?

It’s the easiest raid up until Silken Court, which is a MAJOR pug killer.

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Yeah, that one slowed us down for the week. But we still managed to get it down before raid night was over.

that the definite stonewall. its a happy jaunt until you get bricked by the court. had people joke “the real raid begins now.”

That sounds like any other normal then. Full clear on first raid night with a hiccup or two along the way.

But the top guilds, sure. Not by casual groups that cap out at AotC at best.

Nah. People are routinely clearing normal pugs on week 1 of release. Even those filthy casuals.

Early on in the expansion is when things will always feel the most difficult. That’s because we’re all mostly gearing. It’ll get easier as time passes.