Blizzard, allow PvP players to dump excess Conquest into purchasing Elite weapon cosmetics

Blizzard devs, could you please allow PvP-ers like myself to dump excess Conquest points into purchasing Elite weapon transmogs? I’ve purchased the whole Conquest PvP set for this season already, and even upgraded my PvP gear to max level (even though it doesn’t do anything in PvP). I’ve nothing else to aim for in PvP, so please allow players like myself, who have full Conquest gear, to farm for some cosmetic rewards. This would also align with your statement to let players play however way they want, wouldn’t it?

I understand the need that elite players need something to strive for, like rating-locked rewards, but the majority of your PvP-ing playerbase is mostly casual, and there aren’t many elite PvP-ers capable of getting Gladiator, much less Duelist (which is 2100 rating this season, if I’m not wrong), so locking PvP cosmetics behind a rating-wall is not a very good design decision, if you understand where I’m coming from.


That is an awful idea. Conquest is insanely easy to get, why would they allow people to just grind conq and buy cosmetics meant for those who hit duelist? That makes no sense, and there needs to be a reward track for people to progress through. Just because you are casual does not mean you should be able to get those rewards easily. They already lowered it from 2.4 to 2.1 as well.

Maybe they can add some other stuff to use conq on later, but realistically having a lot of conquest doesn’t really matter. We will always have excess conquest points because they uncap it halfway or less than halfway through the season.

On reflection you make some good points, may I humbly suggest the devs add alternative rewards for casual pvp players, such as different weapon tints, and allow them to be purchasable for perhaps a sizeable amount of conquest, so as to keep casuals playing the pvp mini-game?

Alternatively, the Blizzard art and tech team should work together and maybe introduce weapons which are custom-tintable in future patch releases?