You may believe it, but your player base is telling you differently. No one, and I mean no one that I have heard of anyway, is asking for the honor buff you are presenting. People are complaining about getting ROFLSTOMPED by geared people who are farming honor. This may prevent that a little. But, its still going to happen. Put it this way Blizz, lets say you own a restaurant. You “BELIEVE” that keeping the temperature at 60 is enough for your dining customers to have a fulfilling dining experience. You’re customers on the other hand are constantly complaining that they are freezing and the experience is very unpleasant.
So you have three choices. 1. You can insist on what you believe and force your customers to sit and eat in Artic temperatures. 2. You can give what a majority of the community want’s and turn the temperature up to room temp at 70 degrees. 3. Keep insisting that the temp stays at 60 degress and offer a solution of free crackers to your dining guests. Which confuses them, as no one is asking for free crackers. It also doesn’t change a thing because you’re dining guests are still freezing.
It is true if you go with option 2 you will have to pay a higher heating bill and there may be a little headache involved keeping things warmer. However, most restaurant owners will tell you that keeping it room temperature would be the best route to ensure your customers keep returning to dine again.