Blizzard adding a new... Glyph drop from N'zoth

So during BFA or legion not sure which was the shadow priest rework

Shadow priests in void form was able to talk in shath’yar

So it got removed cause it was difficult to have a priest do macros or whatever for raiding

Only problem is you gotta go clear Nyalotha again

Time to dust off that cloak ladies and gentlemen!

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Oh boy. Speak another language based from the Old Gods.

For 20 whole seconds.


As a Void Elf I can already do this. I just stay quiet about it

BTW those legs look rusty tin man

Do they? Oh. Um. Excuse me.

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Are they removing the cape req? Imagine having to go grind that to get it .

Ew. Couldn’t just make it trainable?

I want to speak gobbledegook again.


Gusksjfjcieldndidjenfixofjrjfjcjxisjnekdoswldbficieje djdockebficyejtnvowjrbci snwldofuen chu CLEAN BUCKET eicofnrlajfienficorlwbs!


You need oil tin man


Gonna definitely farm for this on my priest!

Are you doing alright?

You don’t have to clear Nya’lotha. The drop is for an Inscription recipe, not the glyph itself. You can shell out megabucks to your local scribe instead.

Screw that I remember very well dbm chat bubbles being in gibberish. Please make this have an off switch.

Exactly, it’s beautiful


Finally, something new after all these years, and it only goes to Shadow Priests

angry inscription noises

WTB cosmetic Glyphs again, all the current ones completely suck and do next to nothing.

I mean it’s not new, it’s something old that they took away and are making us jump through hoops to get back, because reasons.

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I don’t think any of these even exist anymore, we used to have cosmetic glyphs like these for Hunter’s mark. Now it’s just the first one, baseline.

Inscription was killed for no real reason, other than that they didn’t want to continue making cool glyphs.

Their most recent excuse was that pvpers won’t recognize abilities if they’re glyphed.

Like they’ve ever actually cared about pvpers. It’s just an excuse for laziness.


I PvP, and none of the things they’ve said make sense.

Observer being removed because of the silhouette, for example.

What about the gazillion different hunter pets, then? Those are okay? Lol.

It’s a joke, and I ain’t laughing.


This glyph isn’t working as of 10.1.5 :upside_down_face: hopefully they fix it soon so I can start spitting out gibberish for DBM mechanics again

from Imgflip Meme Generator