Blizzard, A Solution To The RDF/LFG Debate

I just imagine them reading that and saying out loud to themselves “Oh.”

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We’ve got a baby, weve got bathwater.

TOSS EM BOTH. I like it, Picasso.

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It is inherent to the idea of respect and courtesy. If you have mud on your shirt, pointing it out might… make you embarrassed? But it’s not discourteous because it’s accurate. The goal isn’t discourteousness, and that doesn’t change even if I’m simultaneously thinking what a slob you are. To go to the opposite end of the severity spectrum, calling a murderer a murderer is inherently disparaging, because murder is universally looked down upon as an act, but that doesn’t make being accurate also insulting. Any insulting connotation is brought upon by the person on themselves through their actions.

I could say you’re clueless about the eula because you’ve never read it. But reading them wouldn’t do you any good because they are written above a third grade reading level. It’s not like I think you’re completely worthless. I found this video of you horse back riding and you’re quite skillful. Hey! Socially interacting with you is fun.

And yet, not in any of their definitions. Again, let’s please not destroy the English language because we want to harass others on the internet and have it not classified as harassment.

I’ve read the EULA multiple times. You’re the one that hasn’t if you think Blizzard doesn’t have rules that you need to follow for social interactions.


You realize that dictionaries define word in very limited ways, right? They don’t cover entire concepts (like respect and courtesy) very well. Respect and courtesy are, in a descriptive (as opposed to prescriptive), common sense, as I’ve described them.

If by that, you mean that dictionaries don’t capture your PERSONAL DEFINITION of words, then yes, I’m aware. That’s because your personal definition of words is irrelevant to what they actually mean in the real world, in a public forum, and for a company that policies said public forum.

Has this been cleared up for you?

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Because you couldn’t understand it the first time. It’s not helpful at all to try to read and reread things that are too far above your reading level for you to understand. But I want to be nice. I want to be helpful. Here is an EULA that is written especially for you. For your level of intelligence and maturity.

I mean, I think a more simple solution is just to enable RDF for TBC/Vanilla dungeon content, and leave LFG tool or just normal find your own group methods for Wrath dungeons.

When Wrath releases fully nobody is going to be finding groups for Wailing Caverns, or RFD, finding groups will be a pain bc of the run there and needing to find a group manually. At least RDF will allow for leveling experience for old content to be easier to access.

Also for all the people saying “Just add it, it was already in during Wrath.” It wasn’t added until the end of Wrath, so even if Blizz followed their original release schedule for it, it wouldn’t be for a long while from now.

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No, because you’re still parroting uneducated notions of concepts outside your depth. What words actually mean are they are used to mean. Dictionaries attempt to nip at the heals of descriptive vernacular and catalogue it, but they are eternally behind and dictionaries do not detail abstract concepts well. The dictionary defines concepts like “respect” in the same way as you might describe any vehicle as a “car”. Technically gets the general idea in a very shallow way, but it is not sufficient classification for anything but equally shallow tasks.

There’s no other way for me to explain this to you then for you to get it I’m afraid. Just to summarize, no, you can’t make up definitions to words and expect everyone else to choke on them. While it is nice for you to share your personal opinions on what words mean and how they should be used, it’s largely irrelevant to how they are used in the real world. Thank you for the discussions.


It’s tough to attempt to come off at an intellectual angle when your initial form of counter-argument is copy pasting various definitions from dictionary dot com, kinda cringe tbh.

What’s really cringe to me is someone having a disparaging statement, from their 2 post alt, about someone else using citations to prove them wrong.


You’re so close to kind of getting it. Words mean, as I said, what they’re used to mean. By people. Generally. You can be aware of your changing environment and recalibrate how to interpret given words based on that, but in every case a word is defined by its general use. If you are speaking in the broadest sense you are going to go with its broadest common use.

Dictionaries do their best to catalogue common definitions of words, but they are insufficient for words with broader or more abstract definitions, which is often the case with words that refer to entire concepts. Dictionaries are amazing if you want to know what “chair” means, but inadequate for something like “respect”. Even the much larger Wikipedia page has a big banner at the top warning that their description of it “may not represent a worldwide view of the subject”.

I haven’t given you my personal definition of anything. I’ve given you the more comprehensive, nuanced, accurate definition which the dictionary does not cover.

That’s gonna be a yikes from me dog.

By people. Keyword, PEOPLE. Not by just you. Not by just Manfighting. This is what you have failed to understand for 5 posts now.

So you were in favor of dual spec on release, that helps create more Tanks to cut into your over charging for tanking for groups ?

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I was! my talk about gatekeeping and hard rezzing, is all hyperbole, but SHHHHH dont tell anyone

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Right, so the difference is I’m aware of how people generally use the words rather than pointing to a dictionary definition as if it has any relevance.

The ONLY REASON those tanks exist is to level faster in groups thats it. Most of them will not be playing tank at max level they are dps main spec / pvp OS same as what people did before but more prominent.