I’m just curious. You give the new options to draenei but you can’t fix the neck line on female pandaren? Really?
I would post a photo but I don’t have the privilege. Can someone please do that for me?
I’m just curious. You give the new options to draenei but you can’t fix the neck line on female pandaren? Really?
I would post a photo but I don’t have the privilege. Can someone please do that for me?
You’re amazing thank you.
wow that’s still a thing?
I have never noticed. Never played that race before. That’s pretty lazy lol.
it ruins more than half of their hairstyles.
Probably not till they gives us a new Model, which is soon I hope (11.0 or Patches). Oldest of the Player Models
It does look really bad. Like their head is on a center join like an action figure or lego figure. Come on, guys.
theyll fix it when they remove the garbage cringy race from being playable. same with vulperas. both are vermin to azeroth.
i mean…is it that big of a deal? Seems like the kind of thing you only notice when you’re staring real close up.
Some people just like getting up and close to pandas - they’re soft and furry - who wouldn’t want to stare at them up close?
Winterpelt Furbolg NPCs have it better than we do.
Nah, they’d rather give Blood Elves their 1,000th customization option rather than give anything to anyone else lol.
Still waiting on my Draenei heritage set, Blood Elves got theirs years ago. (in BfA)
And supposedly we’re mirror races, both came in TBC.
One is treated much better than the other, I’m sure you can guess which, lol.
I hate it when something is incredibly popular, and it means everyone who isn’t ‘popular’ suffers from lack of attention.
There’s just too many BE players being vocal about wanting more stuff all the time, so Blizzard is gonna listen to them over the handful of Panda players that have valid complaints.
Pandas definitely got a texture glow up in Dragonflight at least. Better fur textures, much brighter eyes etc.
But yeah a model touch up would be nice.
Considering how fast these threads get buried I wonder if Blizzard even knows this is an issue.
There are just too many elves that can bump their complaints indefinitely.
They’ll get to that after they give the alpha elves more customization options in the next major patch.
Know your place, panda!
What toy don’t want a detachable head too?
lol i’ve never noticed that line on them. that’s terrible.
The neck seam’s been dogging Pandaren since antiquity. I however just want a sandal toggle so I can finally be barefoot and mog around that instead of always needing to incorporate the sandals. u.u;
bump please fix this, Blue response on ETA?