Blizz, you done screwed up BAD

the is a difference between barrens chat and twitch chat. with the streamers it would turn trade chat into twitch chat

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For best results, por qué no aprender dos idiomas?

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This right here is what makes me WANT the streamers to roll on Herod.

a quick clickity click into my profile would prove you drastically wrong. I have played since beta, and played vanilla/tbc/wotlk hardcore as a top player, the amount of spam twitch babble zergs bring is literally a modern phenomenon that did not exist during vanilla. barrens chat on the most populated server was quaint in comparison to the twitch babble that runs so fast you cant even read anything. its entirely disruptive to the classic experience.

What is the classic experience?

oh look , a flagged post!

Bump for truth