Blizz, you done screwed up BAD

More people speak English than any other language NA.

So if half the players on a server are speaking something other than English, then there aren’t very many people on that server.

This! Too many parents spoiled their kids it seems

I don’t care where whoever goes. I understand Spanish and don’t watch streamers so I’m at an advantage in the IDGAF department.

honestly I wish they could, but alot of people don’t want the problems that come with streamers. It would just be nice if they all got together and played with them selves all on the same server.

I want to play WoW with my friends. I want them to enjoy the game. streamers don’t care where tehy play. the larger streamers stream full time so they don’t have a sweet spot where they can only play WoW. I can only play after work. I know streamers do alot more then what we see, but they can choose when to do what every they need to do with alot more freedom then we have.

Streamers know they ruin the game for people. even if they are not trying to they do because of their fans.

Unless you are talking about wishing the streamers to a diffrent server then I will point back the original post again saying we only have 3 pvp east coast servers, and we can’t take the 4th demographic that would be the streamers.

West coast only has the chinese and the regular players. they have 3 servers that 3rd server can be the streamer server for the larger streamers who want to play together

they make up less then 5% on both servers, but the question on language was added later in the pole. and update needs to be run

tehy are no south american servers. this makes east coast the closes for south america

Again, you’ve chosen my response to reply to. Yet you do not reply. I understand your stance on things very well at this point. As you’ve chosen to state it multiple times now while avoiding everything I’ve said. So I’ll just forego the repetition at this time and play along for now.

Play with your friends wherever you want. They will enjoy the game if the game appeals to them. (If they like mechanics and graphics/sounds etc.) Their fun with a game will not be determined by what language someone else speaks, or if some famous person lives there too.

Stating that streamers know they ruin the game is false, as you can’t possibly claim to know what someone else is thinking. Their followers ruining the game is also unlikely as you can ignore their spam for attention from their deity. Anything else you have concerns about can happen with non stream followers as well.

There is literally no reason to prevent anyone from rolling toons where they want.



Does it matter if there is a Spanish or Portuguese speaking population on your realm? It is not as if you will be accidentally auto grouped with them for some dungeon finder runs. You should be able to quickly decipher if language will be an issue while forming the group.

this is the most absurd classic complaint yet, congratulations.


If EU got a server for each language there would have to be well over twenty servers, I do not see that many, so you either have no idea what languages are spoken in Europe or you are just whinging and trolling at the same time.

Maybe they should migrate their servers to Azure!

I hadn’t played Tich in like 2 years. I transferred there when Rivendare fell due to low pop. Regardless, the server is what people make of it. Just because there’s a larger community from another region, doesn’t take away from the experience of playing. Maybe if you weren’t a bigot and realized that it’s fine to play with other races/languages and that you wont be the only one that speaks English, maybe you would realize the fact that a region is “claiming a server” only means that the population will be increased by another region. Doesn’t take away from others rolling on the server unless people like you badmouth the server in that regards.

Its unfortunate but people need to realize more realms = more potential dead realms when the hype dies down. Be careful what we ask for.

We dont have enough people.

From what i read he barely speaks English

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So South American realms were not in Classic. So #nochanges also means no other realms for them.

agreed OP

the south american and spanish players deserve designated servers so they can congregate with each other if they want to.

and people who do not want streamer twitchbabble cancer to ruin their classic wow experience should get a designated server where popular streamers and their spamming hordes are bannable and/or funnel streamers to designated servers, one or the other.

people can say ‘stop complaining’, but that is the most useless type of post to post on the friggen wow forums. people come here to express their concerns. just wait till AFTER LAUNCH if you think the streamer zerg fanboy complaints are bad now, once the servers actually go up, and thousands and thousands of returning vanilla players log in and have their classic experience ruined by these children and come back to these forums/come to these forums for the first time ever, to complain. it will literally be the most complained about thing. all those poor souls who dont read the forums, who dont watch streams, who dont know anything about twitch culture, but just want to come back and play wow, are going to be in for a huge surprise, and many of them will come here to find out WTF is going on and WTF is all this spam and WTF is an asmongold and WTF why did blizzard not plan accordingly. it is going to happen if preemptive action is not taken to designate servers properly


Stop crying South America… we still love you

OP angry because he doesn’t get racial segregation on WoW.

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People who watch other people play are the same people who watch reality TV :man_shrugging:

Pretending there won’t be spam without streamers ROFL. You sir, have clearly never played Vanilla before or even been online. Im convinced you are a robot.

I have one word for you. Barrens. Deal with it.

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