Blizz, we need to talk

Yes, you can.

Thats dope. I think it would drive engagement as well.

Let’s put that into perspective, though, shall we?

Prior to Legion and the introduction of M+, loot was a lot more cut and dry. Every content had set ilvls (titanforging not withstanding, it was kind of its own annoying thing) where if you wanted specific loot, you just did that specific content. No worrying about keystones, no vault gambling, heck you even got more loot in general as every boss of a dungeon dropped at least 1 item, with the final boss ofyen dropping 2-3. Dungeons weren’t as valuable and were often seen as a stepping stone to raiding, but
 you wanted an item, you had a much easier path to said item.

In addition, the pugging scene wasn’t as big as it is today. If you raided, chances are you were in a fixed group of raiders, which increased your odds of actually winning loot each time someone in yhe raid np longer needs it in a pug, your odds fluctuate every group, and if it drops and someone else wins it, thst doesn’t help your future runs as you’re likely in a completely different group.

The further back you go the more true both of these points are, and the more avenues to personal growth you had, like with badges to purchase gear from a vendor, etc. It’s circumspect, for sure, and it might even be true that the RNG aspect hasn’t changed all that much (I believe it has gotten a fair bit more RNG but that is opinion not backed up by proof).

But the feel of it sure has. Especially when it comes to dungeon loot. It used to be, you got a group, you did a dungeon, loot dropped. No complications. Now, however, if you want to target loot from a dungeon, you need the keystone for that dungeon, so thats either keystone RNG or searching for someone with that keystone. You need to check what the affixes are, because there’s no denying that some dungeons on some weeks are just plain dead keys. You need to beat the key fast enough, as you get less loot fir not timing it, so it makes the dungeon feel like more difficult work. Then you need to hope that the game decides to generate one item of loot for you, or if you’re stacking the team with friends, one of them. Then you need to hope that the generated item is the one you need. Then if you didn’t get it, you need to hope that someone else did and is willing to trade it to you. And as a reminder, it’s 2-3 pieces of loot for the whole party, generated from any item any of the bosses in the dungeon could drop, so even if you do get loot, it’s generated from all the loot tables in the dungeon so it’s potentially a very high chance to be something else you weren’t after.

That’s a loooooot of loopholes you have to jump through to get an item, in comparison to the old find group, kill boss, see that bosses loot dtop, roll for it.

This isn’t arguing for or against M+ mind you. It’s clear people like M+. This is just stating how M+ has affected RNG, or at the very least the feel of the RNG, and odds of getting a specific piece.

And on a sidenote, as with sub count, that is from a very vague graph leaked from a conference without any context. I have no reason to not believe that sub count is that high, I’m sure it is, but there are other factors to account for. Namely, not all those subs are Dragonflight. There are plenty of people subbed specifically for Classic WoW which at the time of ppsting is Classic WotLK ie the single most popular expansion WoW has ever had amongst players, and will very shortly be movong into Cata, which while less popular will surely draw a crowd anyway. And even more who are subbed purely for SoD, which is still going strong and has another 1 or 2 phases left to go.

Point being, sub numbers are indeed up, but there is no way of telling just how many of them are because of Dragonflight. There’s a very solid chance that SoD and Classic holds the lions share of subs.

“The lottery system needs protections”

“If i play the lottery 100 times, I should win. Or else whats the point.”

Its a video game. The gear isn’t real, item level isn’t real. You either need that dopamine bad enough or you don’t.

its thanks to classic content not retail that it has 7m subs and all time high?
you’re joking right??

Sir this is a wendys. We arent talking about lotteries. I dont know who you are quoting. What a strange reply. For clarity we are talking about loot drops in m+ and the potential to run a dungeon dozens and even hundreds of times and never get an item. Doesnt happen to you? Great, but it does happen and if it doesnt happen to you then this system will not influence your gameplay whatsoever. But you cant argue that it doesnt happen. Its math and provable.

It’s called crafting.

M+ could use some BLP and/or a way to catch up on missed vaults. I think spending the entire mid season 5-10 item levels behind raiders is a little unfun. BLP kinda takes care of itself from a drop standpoint, but vault loot is all that matters anyway.

A war-chest type quest where you do 4-5 dungeons at +25 or whatever for mythic loot in addition to the vault would be a good grab, and just give it charges for the week of the season, so someone could come in at week 15 and do it 15 times or whatever. If you miss a week to work/vacation, you could make it up later too.

No its not.

Factually incorrect, wrath had almost 12 million, and that wasn’t split across 5 different versions of WoW.

You are guaranteed a 486 item with the 2 stats you want on it.

That’s a lot better than nothing.

Bad luck protection (by itself), does not have to guarantee that you get the exact item you want, only that you get something.

You arent guaranteed anything. You do have the ability to craft to spend gold to craft items. Those items are even higher ilvl so there really isnt a reason for anybody to have an issue with bad luck protection for lesser items. If you do have an issue would you like to explain why? Or is it that it hasnt happened to you, so you dont care?

Bad luck protection (by itself), does not have to even exist and it doesnt if you want a specific weapon or trinket. It would be for the relatively small amount of people that get really clapped by rng and wont get an item they want in under 20+ targeted runs. Do you have a reason that the very real possibility that you want get an item you want even if you run it 20-50 times or more is acceptable to players in a video game?

I think the game shouldn’t let you run that 50 times for loot to begin with. Take the infinite farming aspect of M+ away, and you end up with a healthier gearing system overall.

I do think that BLP could be useful in various parts of the game, but I don’t think it should be applied literally everywhere. Gearing should be a bit less random though, I can agree with that.

I disagree and this thread is about discussing a problem many many people experience. If you are not interested in discussing the original topic why are you on this thread other than to poo poo on it? Does that make you feel good? Does change scare you? Do you need a hug? Saying nuh uh, i dont like it is not constructive at all. Cool you dont like it. Maybe find another thread that interests you?