Thank god. I couldn’t handle your making excuses for Blizzard.
You should pay someone to come up with better analogies. You know, words and all.
Literally made me laugh out loud.
Arguing about the necessity of an SSD for gaming (which all new consoles are btw) in 2020 is a strange hill to die on, IMO.
It’s not 2005 anymore. SSDs aren’t expensive or small anymore. Technology is there to make changing it out relatively painless for even the most inexperienced users.
So let me get this straight - people are willing to spend hours . . .days . . . weeks to get some shiny pixels but can’t spend 10 minutes to install a SSD.
get the internal ones
And people can’t wait a few seconds for things to load? That’s the same logic.
the interstellar travel gates probably contribute to the SSD requirement.
Oh it’s more than a few seconds, and then add that up for every load screen.
What exactly do you have against SSDs? lol. This has been common in builds for a long, long time now. Like before Ryzen, before 2000 series graphics cards. It’s the best way to speed up an old system. There is no down side to this. In fact, it’ll make people’s lives better overall. Cannot be overstated the difference it makes compared to HDD.
If you don’t want to install it yourself, I’m sure you know someone who can help you.
My entire hard drive is SSD. Took a smaller one because of that…
Did blizz specifically state any specific SSD? Nope. So them saying to get a SSD has a what in what chance to get them money? So sit down Alex, go back to crying that platforms are kicking you off for tinfoil hatting stuff
It is 2020 and they are NOT going away. They are easily taught by videos, and there is NO reason to not know how to do BASIC stuff like putting in ram, drives, etc. It is seriously no different than plugging in a few cables…
One thing a lot of people may not be considering - in order for graphics to improve, generally (even with compression) the size of textures becomes larger.
WoW is a seamless game. You can walk from one end of Kalimdor to the other without any loading. This requires constant disk access to load assets.
If the developers limit assets to loading on the slowest hard drive, then assets would be forced to be stuck at a certain size forever.
A lot of people say that SSD’s don’t improve framerate - which is true to an extent. In a fully loaded environment where everything is in RAM or the VRAM buffer, you’re right.
But as stated earlier, WoW is seamless. It doesn’t just stop loading once you log in. It continually loads assets off local storage as you engage in activities.
If storage media is slow, then your framerate WILL suffer - it will stutter as it waits for assets to load as you move from one part of the game to the next, and pop-in will be very pronounced.
Moving towards an SSD allows them to create more lifelike and immersive environments without as much concern for the above phenomenon.
lol I know you didn’t even read it and you denied there were partner ships. I showed you there are. I knew you’d come up with some deflection because you can’t handle I was right.
Gaming is always going to be a hobby that requires money investment. Heavily. So get used to it. The era of “my toaster can play anything new” is coming to an end.
for consoles it is the systems and the 60-70 dollar games.
for PCs its gonna be the upgrades and the 60-70 dollar games or expansion packs and 15 dollar subs monthly.
You aren’t addressing that they again, did not actually list any of the SSD companies they are partnered with…they just said SSD. So you are doing a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory in saying they just want people to buy SSD’s despite missing the key fact that they listed none of the companies or brands just “get a SSD”
We all get you do not like change Alex and wish you could play WoW on a Commodore64, but technology is changing. You go with it, or get left behind, and you only have yourself to blame for being left behind
Let us also not forget that people have been playing below minimum system requirements since the beginning of time, and generally speaking, not counting requiring specific APIs or instruction sets, minimum/recommended requirements are mostly arbitrary.
You could theoretically eat a lot of food with like 2 teeth…but it isn’t recommended.
You could theoretically drive a car with no coolant, it won’t last long though.
You could theoretically bypass safety features like fuses and things work, but then you run risks of surges, etc melting more costly components…
You aren’t adressing that you, yet again, denied they had partnerships going. You think because they didn’t mention a specific one that means the partnership doesn’t have any meaning?
We all get you don’t like being wrong, but you were wrong. Thank God for ignore on here.