Blizz tells gamerrant they want Wrath to "Feel like vanilla"

OK one I kind of find it funny that you only look at part of my comment and if you actually read the whole thing you’d understand that I’m just as upset about it not being in the game as I’m assuming you are.

Too I was trying to point out that’s the only justification I can think of why they would remove it or any actual reasonable reasonable reason why they would remove it.

I was more or less agreeing with you.

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It’s going to scale? Why?! I was looking forward to solo farming the mount at level 80 on my DK. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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People are starting to go heads on pikes mode! I’m done caring at this point I’ve said my piece plenty I just want to watch the dumpster fire now. I just can’t wait to see Blizzards next move.

Exactly right! If you want to play Vanilla, then Classic Era is waiting for you.

I don’t know if it was originally planned for 3.2.0, but it happened in 3.3.0.

"…all-new quest-tracking features have been added to assist players in finding objectives, including new interface functionality in the quest log, the map (“M” key), and the Objectives pane. "

Yes. See:

Also, we had battlegrounds in Vanilla. I don’t think anyone is saying now, or said then that this was a bad implementation of cross-realm features. Unless we count the people like who, who are pretending to dislike it, thinking that you’re somehow making a case for dungeon finder. :rofl:

I shouldn’t need to explain to you why a queue system is needed for finding 20-80 players to zone into an instance together… I’d appreciate it if you’d stop pretending so I don’t have to spell these things out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Class balance over the years gave us an objectively better game where specific classes weren’t broken either because they were OP, or because they couldn’t compete. Implementing features like dungeon finder did not give us an objectively better game.

Besides, you know as well as I do that they use the last stable patch for class balance in Classic. That’s how it’s been for literal years of Classic, and that’s how it’ll stay. Don’t tell me you’re pretending not to know this too…

Haha. Sorry that I don’t want aCcEsSiBiLiTy for lazy players and dead realms to affect 100% of the player population.

I believe you’re right about it being a togglable feature, but it was on by default. The average player doesn’t actually go into their menus and look at settings. By adding this feature and turning it on by default, they effectively removed the old feeling of quests for the vast majority of the population.

Personally, I’d agree with you that it’s better, modern game design to have a UI that players don’t feel they need to mod to be functional. That being said, the point of WoW Classic is to NOT be a modern game.

Then it sounds like someone made the choice not to play with their friends. :man_shrugging: That’s Blizzard’s problem… How?

I like the game without faction transfers. I personally enjoy the friction that they created between the factions with the locks. I get why people see them as unnecessary features, but I liked how isolated PvP realms felt. I’d say this is a happy medium between the people who don’t want faction transfers and the people who want the locks on PvP realms lifted.

I think you’re the one who needs to elaborate. How exactly does removing the necessity of communication make the game more social?

I mean, you’re free to believe that, but if you choose to think it’s irrelevant, you’re going to go through life bewildered at the way things works. :rofl:

You’ve got to be kidding me. You’re playing on a realm where your faction has 10,000 active players, and you’re trying to tell me there are 5 tanks online at most? That is hyperbole at its finest.

I’d be happy to come to Pagle and prove you wrong. :rofl:

I haven’t “dodged” your question. Not my fault if you ignore my answers! Mythic+ is a system that makes dungeons infinitely scalable and adds random affixes to each key. Now tell me how the article says anything in the same universe as that. LMAO

The dungeons have quests. Blackrock Depths and Blackrock Spire both have significant lore behind them that take you back multiple times for a number of reasons. The game has a lot of lore… regardless of whether players pay attention to it, or not.

I had 2 toons ding 60 during Classic. Both had dozens of quests available. There’s plenty of non-raid/dungeon content to keep one busy.

You seem to have a pretty narrow view of what’s available in the game.

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It really doesn’t.

It really does.

Imagine how much better WoW would be if Brian lost his job at Blizzard.


No I’ve played it from the start and know how people play, even blizzard has talked about it before, (when they once long ago used to post on the forums) more people level alt and re-playing leveling is a bigger part of the game for the average person it’s just a fact, before RDF quite a number never even bothered with dungeons, one of the reasons leveling alts and making faction and other things easier for them was always part of the discussions) .


Nobody needs 10 characters at cap…

he’s not the only one, we need some Dev’s that have better ears and less Ego’s.


Agree, but he seems to be the spokesman for that group. He’s got a major ego issue. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the changes were being made just to spite the people questioning his other decisions.

It doesn’t take long of scanning Brian’s Twitter or listening to his interviews to come to the conclusion that this guy believes everything he says is right and people should thank him for even responding to them.


10 lol during mop I had two of every class at max level (3 hunters), it’s a game it’s not about need it’s about what people found fun, and fact is most people never found raiding fun (till LFR, it was rare more than 15% (and being generous) even seen the inside of a raid while it was new).

:musical_note:Hearing only what you want to hear. Knowing only what you’ve heard.” :musical_note:

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Absolutely true. These quests are often sought out and picked up prior to running the dungeon. “Any quests to share?” is a fairly common question.

Regardless of what quest you may be on in a dungeon, running the dungeon more than once is considered repeated content. For example, the Molten Core attunement sees you going into Blackrock Depths - a dungeon that at level 55, you’ll have likely seen the inside of before, making your attunement visit repeated content.

Absolutely. It’s built upon years and years of lore. However, again, that doesn’t mean running the same dungeon more than once is not repeated content.

In the original state of Vanilla, that would never happen. We didn’t have enough quests to even reach level 60, much less have extra quests once we hit 60.

Additionally, if we look at dungeons and raids being a lot of content, once you clear them once, you’ve seen that content. The mechanics stay the same, the threat values stay the same, the only thing that changes is potentially loot dropping. The levelling process can vary depending on where you choose to quest; i.e. Westfall/Dun Morogh/Darkshore, for Alliance.

PvP doesn’t change, either. WSG, AB, and AV all stay the exact same.

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You know the best way to experience all that lore? Pay Blizz to skip past all of it. :+1:

So this is Wrath Reforged, they decided to vanillify Wrath?

Terrible direction to take, not surprising, given their proven incompetence.

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