BLIZZ! Stop allowing boss skips in instances!

Some groups enter an instance and go right to the last boss and once killed get credit for the entire instance. Make instances so in order to get the XP and credit ALL bosses have to be killed.

is this about some time walking dungeons? if so no change i want to get in and out of dungeons to lvl. and before anyone say you can do that in the open same can be applied to you to

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This is about all the dungeons and it is stupid to have 4 bosses and one need to kill 1

That’s a negative ghost rider the path is full of leveling people who don’t have time to do every boss and just want to level as fast as possible. If you want to do all of them get a group together and que up and have at it! Believe me, you are not the majority in this request not by far.



The solution is to spread the XP from the dungeon out over the bosses, and not put it all at the end. That way everyone wins (well not everyone, but we already know leveling is degenerate gameplay anyway…).

its not all dungeons name one dungeon that i can skip all bosses that i can skip to the last one. and not classic and up to tbc

You can make friends and que up together to defeat all the bosses if you want to.

Be a tank and you will have better luck leading the group to kill all the bosses not that it will always work lol

Why are people so set on forcing random players to play the game the way they want to play? If you want to play the game a specific way, in this case not skipping bosses in instances, the solution is to find other people who want to play that way. Your experience is not more important than the experience of the players you’re grouped with randomly; the way to solve this is to remove the random aspect, not expect everyone else to play the game the way you want.