I got sick of playing when I realized everything is set so you have to put in time every single day, and you can’t just blast through some stuff Friday night through Sunday night to get anywhere. I can’t play during the week due to my schedule as an actual adult with responsibilities…
Also the fact that they’re trying to force these unwieldy combo-point style secondary resources has put me off. I am speaking specifically of Holy Power (Retadins) and the like, where it just makes the flow of the battle seem so clunky and frustrating. It’s another form of time-gate, where you can’t just play your character and manage your mana/health and DPS.
I played Retadin main since half-way through BC, and hated Holy Power as soon as they brought it in. I pushed through thinking they’d find the error of their ways, and return the class to its roots, much the way they reversed many of their other awful choices. Then came Legion. I couldn’t do it any longer. I’d grown to hate the character I spent so much time playing. I loved that character, and after so much time of having this agonizing frustration playing, I came to feel disgust every time I played it (or any of the other half-dozen pallies I have across so many servers).
I told myself that if they didn’t remove Holy Power, I’d cancel my sub, and the sub of my wife. I heard rumors of it being gone, and my heart nearly lept out of my chest! Then I found out it was gone for Holy and Prot, but still inflicted on Ret.
I still hold out hope they’ll get rid of it, and return the class to its former play-style. If not, I’ll probably just play Vanilla when it comes out.
Any other long-time retadins feel the same way, or is it just me?