Blizz seriously?

I honestly don’t think they’re trolling though.

I’m thoroughly convinced that their brain hasn’t matured past age 12.

Create an alt, play that when you get ganked. Why are you banging your head against a wall? PvP server.

I’m very excited to help push you over the edge though. My rogue is going to GAAAAANK you alliance. FOR A WHOLE WEEK!!! :grinning:

No, they’re still pvp servers.

But 1-faction dominated seems exactly what you want, since you wouldn’t be coming to the forums to cry when pvp happens on a pvp server.

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Further evidence that people will complain about literally anything. It’s worth pointing out that PvE servers are a thing. Best of luck.


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Lol so apparently this player never heard of open world pvp. This was a very real part of the og wow.

Wait…so it only lasts a week before bgs come out and you can only play 1 hour a day…so your mad because you possibly have a chance to miss out on 7 hours of gameplay? Just don’t go to contested zones or play on a pve server. A better idea, go touch some grass lol. You’ll be alright, or won’t, unsub over 7 hours of possible griefing because you can’t seem to stay out of contested zones lol.

It’s would be difficult duty, but my Paladin is available to adjudicate these legitimate PvP endeavors.

i have played since OG release


I’ve never seen someone so afraid that PVP may happen on a PVP server. Lol, 10/10.

Who knows, we might see the revival of the Ironforge death rolling clique for a week.


Dont worry, pve realms exist for people like you.


WoW Classic and CATACLYSM Classic

If you do not wish to engage in regular PvP combat, you must create your character on a Player versus Environment (PvE) realm. On a PvE realm, you can freely choose when you want to engage in open world PvP combat by enabling or disabling your PvP flag.

If you chose to create your character on a PvP realm, Game Masters will not address situations where you are repeatedly killed by the opposite faction. This includes situations that may be considered dishonorable such as corpse camping or killing players well below your level.

You are only right because they changed the TOS 5 months ago as posted in the link. But it has always been. blizz/microsoft want less work to do :rofl:

You are right, but the situation is not.