Blizz seriously?

Anyone level 48+ is gonna get camped into uninstalling during that week lol

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Moryna, if you have played since “OG release” you know that the Honor system was put in the game in patch 1.4 in April of 2005, and Battlegrounds came in patch 1.5 in June of 2005.

The gap is authentic to Vanilla, on a much shorter timespan.

There are PVP solutions to this one week gap. You could form a group and go do some PVP yourself. Nothing says you have to go solo in contested zones and get farmed, join in the fray with some people and get some rank or something?

Picks PvP server and is upset that PvP happened on a PvE server KEKW

Muting this thread btw, clearly trolling.

Well maybe they shouldnt have hit “i agree” on the pvp server selection on character creation.

PvE was an option…

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Reroll to dreamscythe and stop playing on pvp realms.

I played Alliance on Kromcrush during p2 in 2019. I understand exactly what’s coming. I signed up for it. I’m not afraid of wpvp. I am on the correct realm.

You, on the other hand are most definitely on the incorrect realm. Whining and crying and making garbage posts about wpvp on the forums is a waste of time. Just play pve and stop freaking out.

Pve servers exist

Us PvE players about to sit back and watch the countless monkey knife fights on the PvP server, the floods of QQ’s for that week and the feeling of satisfaction that we don’t have to deal with that nonsense.


Here ya’ go sweetie:

Pvp servers, like hardcore servers are not for everyone, and thats ok.


I think it’s neat if it only lasts a week. If I enjoy it that’s cool and if it’s too overwhelming I’ll either take a break for the week or just level a nelf or rogue alt until it calms down.

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Im proven right by the fact there are no pvp servers left in classic cataclysm

All I hear is ‘The only PvP allowed should be duels at dawn between two adventurers of equal skill and must be overseen by practitioners of the Light to sanctify it’s legitimacy.’

Did anyone who believes this play in 04-06? On illidan there was a funeral in Winterspring for someone who died irl and people went to camp the funeral goers. On Burning Blade an Alliance guild held up AQ gate opening for a week or more because they so brutally camped the horde trying to get mats. I guarantee there was much more than that but time fades one’s memory.

You’re not a good troll but for the people who actually believe this drivel, go play something that doesn’t get you so agitated. It’s normal to get mad but don’t try to change this game that much, the fun part is knowing you can do the same to someone else.


Grobbulus would like to meet you


The highest pop Cata server is pvp. And more people play on pvp servers than pve servers in Cata.

You really do just like making up nonsense.

PvP happening on a PvP server?!?!

Why are you mad there is minute incentive for wPvP on PvP servers? If you wanted to avoid degens, why play on a PvP server to begin with.

ree lets keep feeding this troll…

its kind of amazing, people will complain about anything. it literally does not matter

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I’m sorry, but what?

Now check ironforge. Pro all of them are 1 faction aka pve server