Since it was posted on the CC forums…might as well throw it on here too. Blizz said the Kor’kron War Wolf is not coming to the Trading Post and that they don’t plan to add any skill based rewards to it.
Another controversial topic resolved!
Link to actual blue post: So, about the Kor'kron War Wolf - #13 by Kaivax
This is what we’ve been telling people since Wowhead’s sensationalism started. Their clickbait makes me very much dislike that website.
Eh im disappointed (as a mount collector) but also glad because it preserves the achievement of doing said challenge and being rewarded with said mount.
/me puts conspiracy theorist tin foil hat on…
So what they are saying is that there is a chance in the future. Key words being “at this time…”
/me takes hat off…
Oh well, it is what it is. Not even sure I would buy it if it is available. Maybe if I was at 499 mounts.
I think there could be an interesting opportunity to have it return someway during the “pandamonium” event, even if it’s not from the trading post. There’s always the chance that it doesn’t return at all and nothing comes from the datamine.
Curious to see what Blizzard does.
notice how it does not mention items like MoP CM, WoD CM, or Legion mage tower artifacts
still on the table !
“…or other skill-based prestige rewards…”
I think that’s mostly just CYA, in case for whatever reason they no longer uphold that stance, if people try to point at that post and say they lied, they can point at the phrase “at this time.” Which is funny, because even if you speak in absolutes, that doesn’t mean decisions can’t change.
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It’s standard corporate speak. They have to CYA in everything they say. Even if they are 100% sure this will never change.
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My assumption is a possibility of Siege of Orgrimmar Timewalking and it’s a low droprate from Garrosh or something.
Because that was clarified already back during the time when they re-released the Mage Tower. And also:
or other skill-based prestige rewards
Wowhead clickbaiting people? Again?
Say it ain’t so.

out of context to the post
“we do not plan to offer mounts or other skill-based prestige rewards from achievements such as Cutting Edge or Ahead of the Curve or Gladiator in the Trading Post.”
good bait
And yet, you quoted the key words:
“such as”
Nice try. Besides 
Blizz says alot of stuff depending on what they want you to believe. Times change.
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I mean yeah, thats how communication works, lol. But so far they haven’t done anything to make us think their statement isnt true.
Thats where we disagree. If they said the sky was blue i would go outside and make sure.
Get wrecked anti fomo’s
We warned you, you didn’t listen.
This is the cycle.
Wowhead datamines a doorknob. WoWhead publishes they have datamined a doorknob and speculates it could finally mean a house…? The playerbase takes that to mean, obviously, player housing. The playerbase stirs itself into a frothing mess of anticipation. Blizzard takes notice of the increase in traffic, and explains it’s just a doorknob asset, dashes all hope. The playerbase despairs, “wow Blizz thanks for ruining my childhood!” Wowhead reports correction, doubledips on the small crisis they created.
That sounds like something Bellular would say! He goes off on INSANE speculation rants based on…nothing. And then almost none of them ever happen.