Blizz response to lack of tuning

Blizzard responded to the lack of tunning via the CC forums. [PvE][Retail] Lack of class tuning - #9 by Yumuros-thunderlord


not an unreasonable take tbf but the pitchforks are out already


To be fair the pitchforks are ALWAYS out rofl


Thanks, I should learn to do that if I dont need special permissions or something.

Continuing the discussion from [PvE][Retail] Lack of class tuning:

Total lie, DHs are still busted, DKs still busted, ultimate pent still busted, all lock specs still busted( Demo and dest especially), BM hunter still busted, MW busted, at least outlaw rogue and sub burst is still busted, if players can see the data and come to a conclusion far faster than Blizz it makes no sense.


They seem to be taking the approach of small changes instead of just nerfing things into the ground for the most part.

Well by the time they get things ‘sorted’ everyones already quit and queue times will dump to an hour+, and more and more people will quit. It’s obvious the ‘small’ changes including Now BUFFING DH overall dmg this week is a bad choice. They make tons of money, they should be balancing more and actually have developers doing this every single day from data.


What this post means, amusing as it is that PVErs get an almost insta response, is that the raid tuning is coming dec 5th.

We’re all praying that they are going to include additional pvp adjustments on those notes.

Wouldn’t mind if they were faster with them. There is plenty of pvp data for them to use atm.


I agree they need to be faster. But it was always sad when something was OP and they would just gut it. That is just as sad.

They did mention PvP data. So HOPIUM

i fear u r correct

Did that occur to ret? it did not, it took like 4-5 nerfs and they were still basically the best. Those were also far more sizable nerfs than DH nerfs and they too came way too late and everyone basically quit queueing as data shows

Ok and? That doesn’t counter my point lol. They still have plenty of times over nerfed something. Ret was an exception. They seem to be pretty careful with reworks it seems too.

Yeah because they have no decent devs left willing to work at a company with such a bad name, understandably, they don’t know how to balance or what to buff/nerf and monkeys paw anything.

Everything they rework becomes OP, so no.

They are hiring you should apply considering you know so much.

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Sure, soon as they open an office in a livable place with matching pay. Or idk, stop requiring people to come into the office. (They won’t.)

Maybe I can go for a law degree to ensure being hired and made lead dev, though.

I am talking about nerfing reworks. Chill out lol.

By keeping the reworked classes the top? Ofc. totally great rework nerfs.

All I said is they seem to be careful with nerfing specs they rework. I didn’t say they did a god or bad job of it lol.