Blizz, pls make a small playable neutral lizard allied race using a reskin of the Vulpera model

Blizz, pls make a small playable neutral lizard allied race using a reskin of the Vulpera model.

My main DnD character is the DnD Kobold and I and so want to play it in WoW. So, Blizz please reskin the vulpera to make a new lizard race that I can use it on the Alliance and Horde. TYSM.


I want them to make a playable humanoid bug race using either the Goblin or Gnome models, but I also like this idea.

and delete vulpera while you’re at it


Hmmmmmmm, that’s hurtful.

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You shall do no such thing.


I mean, small races aren’t even played that much outside of Vulpera. Why go even deeper into what people seems to dislike?

I’d rather have fewer races that are reskins.

We should have got Sethrak. They looked awesome.

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Goblins, Vulpera and Gnomes are a decent range of options. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Our Kobold Bard in DnD has a hat as tall as him. Played by someone who matches the personality to a tee.

I think the expression of Kobolds are significantly different in WoW, I don’t think they’ll do it but they are pretty cool.

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We should have them all.

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