Blizz Please!

Nothing escapes me, even when I’m absent.

I fixed it.

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Both are true and I appreciate you acknowledging this.

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Hunters themselves aren’t the problem. It’s crazy geared hunters going against lower ilvl players.

Source: my mm hunter is at ilvl 97 and does sad damage with double tap.

Geared hunters are doing well against geared other players … if I don’t see the hunter setting up aimed shot and get hit with double tap , I will lose about half my hp. And of course if they are doing it from camo, I am not seeing it at all .

I guess it’s better than getting 2 shotted by Locks even when you see them :joy::joy:

I’ve noticed since prepatch, geared ally hunters that show up after ally loses the first two battles of Ashran (Dark Woods, then Ogre) seem to be able to turn the battle around when they one shot healers using Sniper and Aim Shot.

It’s getting very annoying that a single class can turn things around so easily.

While I agree hunters need to be adjusted… how do you kill someone in less than a global?

every class is OP! I seen a prot paladin do more damage AND heals in a SSM bg. And he never died once. I seen Spriests melt my face off before i can even cast a single heal. Ive seen hunters delete rogues in one shots. Ive seen warlocks take away 2 thirds of my health in one chaos bolt…ive seen warriors one s…hahaha…no i havent. warriors suck. but you get the point. Its just the perverbial scales tipping one way and in a few months another way and then patches and this way and that way. be the end I know one thing…Paladins will be top healers because there is no way blizz will allow priests to outheal paladins for to long before the world explodes into crying posts…surprised havent seen many yet


…by the way I screenshotted that prot pally if anyone wants to see. No word of a lie. It was insane

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I seen all of what you just described. Some one who can bubble heal and smack ya till dead and take no damage while doing it should not cry about how MM is finally doing well.

I agree the hunter’s dmg is more than just ‘competitive’ but pretty overtuned at the moment. Same goes with ret and prot pally healing. Rshams are doing a ton of dmg at the moment. I don’t want to pick directly on hunters, but there are a lot of other balance issues at the moment. It’s prepatch, shrug it off and wait it out.