BLIZZ Please Fix Druid Steady Flight Form Bug in TWW!

Druid flight form steady flight speed is still 420% after TWW pre-patch while normal mounted flight speed is 530%. This makes going into flight form on druid a real pain as it’s much slower than a normal flying mount now.

Surely blizz has seen the forum posts with this bug and are going to address it in an update patch???


It’s wild how little of this I’ve seen mentioned on the forums or anywhere else tbh.


Yeah, but i guess most people don’t have the speed measuring addon so they can’t actually tell their mount speed is faster than flight form. It might just feel clunky to them.

This should be top of the list to fix for blizzard, it’s really a hinderance for a major part of the druid class.


Didn’t realize myself as I was never using other mounts. Once I got the Delver’s Dirigible and tested it out, I was like, “oh wow a steady mount faster than the other ones… wait a minute…”


Frustrated that it’s been almost a month and this still isn’t fixed. I play with my bf so I can’t use flight form at all without falling behind.


Considering that blizzard is also ignoring the skyriding bugs with flightform and put in dungeon bosses that require a mount other than travelform or get oneshot, I feel like blizzard is wanting to push druids into using normal mounts, Then once enough switch they can justify removing it entirely finally ending the forever complaints about druids getting an instant mount


omg don’t you speak this evil

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It’s not just flight form, some mounts are 420% others 530%. There seems to be no real logic to it. Does seem like Blizzard is sticking it to druids though, since evokers soar is 530%.


still bugged!!
The Druid’s steady flight is too slow

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Druids steady flight from mount form has always been slower - the downside of the upside of having instant mount

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Druid flight form has always been the same speed as the equivalent flying mount all the way back in Burning Crusade when it was first introduced.

The only thing is that mount speed increasing effects didn’t affect druids in flight form, if I remember correctly. So things like carrot on a stick or the trinket from doing the netherwing races.

Same with the land travel form when it got the mount speed increase in WoD. The guild perk for +10% mount speed didn’t affect druids in travel form but otherwise it did go the same speed as a normal epic ground mound (200%).

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Perhaps this is what i was thinking of

but dragonriding flight in flight form is instant cast and same speed as mount so your argument has no base or logic

If you had any comprehension it was clearly discussing how things were before TWW hit and screwed it all up any who

my Steady Flight Form appears to be fixed now. it’s now showing 530%


Oh wow same, they must have just fixed it! Woohoo!

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At least that was hotfixed last night. But I agree on principle that Blizzard has a habit of forgetting about Druids whenever they do something interesting with mounts.

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