Blizz, please explain yourself! Why can't hunters tame this goodest boi/girl yet?

I’ve been wanting to tame this beauty since Shadowlands. This cute axolotl would make a fine addition to either the Lizard or the Toad family.

Since we are going to get Mudskippers at 11.00 as ‘Toads’ and we got Salamanders as ‘Lizards’ in Dragonflight, it is not far-fetched to give us this cute lil Robotic Axolotl as either family.

Please Blizz. The robot is so cute.


The worst thing about this is that we are expected or allowed to kill this innocent fella but they are chilling on his pond just vibing around the lily pads.

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Blizz: No. But here is a pink elephant.


It’s a robut. Should have been tameable from the moment robut taming became a thing.

Not a robut. A construct. Like how the earthen, vrykul and mogu were titan constructs.

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I agree. Hunter tameable earthen when?

If a hunter tames an Earthen Hunter, who gets all the loot?

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he looks so cute lol

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I REALLY want to tame one of those Winged Soul Eaters from the Maw.

Imagine being a Dark Ranger sicking one of those on your foe. Just imagine it.
Gosh, I am imagining it.



Good. Now, keep imagining. /cries.

Furthermore, we can tame the other constructs from Zerith Mortis.

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Add the Mechanical Zerith Mortis Rabbits and Chickens and we are golden.

But I need that guy to get my 5% progress toward Patterns Within Patterns.

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Its spawn timer is 20 minute and most of the time no one bothers to kill it.

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But that’s 20 minutes of my life I’ll never get back…

In all seriousness I do think they need to expand the array of things hunters can tame. This one included.

And reintroduce pet specs.

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It truly is never enough.

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…I really need to start reading titles better I thought this was a thread about why can’t hunters tame the longboi from zaralek yet…I didn’t know about that construct. How long till they just add an item that just lets hunters not be limited on beasts they can tame? I mean you gotta hunt down an engineer to maybe get the item to tame robots if you’re not a gnome or goblin and then there are other tameable pets you need some other item to grab… kinda hard to keep track of these at times. Probably easy for some but I’ve had to use WoWhead a lot when I get told that while yes the beast is tameable I’m not allowed to tame it.

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After hunters can tame druids.

But a dungeon boss did that back in BC, not sure how but they did. Probably some earthen beasts hunters may get access to but idk about enslaving earthen dwarves as hunters don’t tame people

Hunters can already tame Shale Beasts and Stone Hounds and various rock-bodied beasts, so there’s that!

Thanks. I try my best to stay in shape. A shape of a sphere.