Blizz really needs to stop handing out rating for free to the most garbage dps in SS. How at 2500-2700 lobbies are dps not pressing a single kick, not stopping cc, not reacting in 6 rounds. Hopefully next season they just keep everyone at the rating they belong (1500 at best)
What rating is it that you feel like the cutoff is for the average player, from your observations and opinions?
1750 at the very max, (most players I look at when I inspect during healing are usually 1600-1800 in 3s with let’s say the last person I looked at was an assassination rogue that was nearly 1800 in 3s with a 240-400 record. At 2500 in SS. I think they just need to make it to what it is and split rewards. Give 2v2 their own rewards, the good rewards/mogs to 3v3 , and SS an entirely different appearance package and titles (instead of duelist, elite etc). After all SS is suppose to be casual, so it should have casual rewards
Sounds like you have some real sense about you actually. I’d say that is the cutoff also.
People already know they can play hpally and play at a higher level than what their appropriate skill level is, but so what. PvP is a mini game that shouldn’t be taken serious and be played for fun.
Politely disagree. It is, in its own way, harder than team arena because you have no idea who you are playing with or what they’re going to do. The only thing casual about SS is the coordination. And also, I know very few people that have played much SS, hence the horrendous que times.
I love that I don’t have to make and/or break friendships to do rated arenas and that’s great, but it’s still not a casual affair with PvP. You can tank HARD in rating at the drop of a hat and one bad game.
Your PvP rating in WoW is worth less than free candy.
(post deleted by author)
I’m all for that, as long as they put all the cosmetic rewards at 1500 lol.