Blizz move the release forward to the weekend

Can’t just ask for a day off huh? Guess its nice to not work at Chipotle.

Only one person gave me a ligit reason why it shouldn’t or might not happen. And im not sure what contracts that your referring too? Server? All people working on the game are already hired and working. Maybe GM’s.

Mmmmm Chipotle…

I’m actually a truck driver.

You know the guys who bring you everything you literally own in your town? You know the guys who keep all the stores in your town stocked with merchandise and food for you and your family? Yea those guys.

You’re welcome.


Hard to play when you are on the road. SOOOOO having it started even earlier would help you.

Start up will be chaotic enough, why change the schedule and make it even worse?

Plenty of people have already planned a few days off for the release. They are not going to change it.

YOU DONT HAVE TO CHANGE IT. The game would be up when you log on.

I won’t be playing until October. You’ll be fine. Stop obsessing over rushing to level cap.

I’m home everyday.

I don’t do long haul or over the road anymore.

I work 5 days a week and off 2 just like most people. I get 3 weeks paid vacation a year, 10 paid sick days and 4 paid personal days a year.

Got it saved up for Classic!!

Look I could see if I was saying HEY wait 5 days to launch the game. But starting it earlier hurts no one. you would have more time to level.

I don’t agree with the OP but how would doing what he asked penalize you exactly?

That’s kind of sad.

We all took time off, so we can play immediately as the game releases. Moving the release date would penalize us for having to actually plan as opposed to unemployed bums.

So all you are worried about is 0-60 times.

That’s not really a penalty but whatevs.

Why? This is my third vacation this year.
Unless you thought I was using all those days for classic. I’m only using a week.

It’s more that there are players out there who feel compelled to bumrush to farm MC in week 2. Is BWL live at launch, too? Going to be a kind of boring four or so months will you farm MC.

If you want to enjoy playing, you want to wait and let that first wave or two get out of the lowbie areas first. My guess is that playing when they first launch is going to be frustrating. You will be fighting with 100 other people to kill the same 8 mobs.

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Stress test says different.

I was way ahead and pretty easily.

That’s also farming cloth for my priests wands.

I didn’t play this last stress test. That’s good to hear. I’ll will stick with waiting since there is no downside to it. Classic isn’t going anywhere. At a minimum, we got two years at level 60 and the raids won’t become obsolete like they do in Retail.
